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Posts posted by Jaunt

  1. A couple quirks I've noticed:


    -there's a location where you have to make a Wis/Survival 7 check or bury a card at the beginning of your turn. It seems to be instead happening at the end of turn (I was playing quest mode, so I'm not sure if that was related).

    -when selecting adventure difficulty, it tells you the payout is 000 gold regardless of difficulty. Obviously, it is not.

    -if you hit preview under Adventure 1 in the store, the popup window has a gibberish title like "srthsrthsrth".

    -when I have too many cards in my hand, a popup window prompts me to discard some. This can get in the way of actual buttons. For instance, if I get in a fight, beat a monster, but spend blessings and want to reshuffle them, I will try to cast Cure, and the "discard" (as in, discard to cast, not discard because of the hand size limit) is present, but it's underneath the "you have too many cards" popup.

    -maybe I'm just being dumb, but I seem unable to purchase Adventure 1.

    -When using blessings, the game seems to favor rolling more dice over anything else. One time I threw 3d4 instead of 2d8. If I were paying more attention, I could have fixed the roll, but it shouldn't mess with me like that to begin with.


    Some more subjective feedback:

    -the store has some rather inconsistent navigation. I feel like it could use a standardized navigation so I can get from any section to any other section, and then back to my game without navigating intermediary screens.

    -The blessings deck and the exploration deck are a bit small and obscure.

    -I keep kicking myself over the adventure text. Maybe the adventure text could autodisplay, or at least expand rather than being a popup?

    -Why Merisiel as one of the freebies? I mean, okay, I get that she is kinda self-sufficient with her backstabbing, and her evade-at-will, but she's only got 2 weapons and no sustainability. A large chunk of her deck is items that only fill niche slots. She's just not a reliable combatant for small games. But maybe that's my own personal beef with the rogue, I've never liked her ever since the game debuted.

  2. I have a vague recollection that Mike Selinker clarified that you never have to roll to acquire a boon (unless some card says you have to), but I'm not entirely sure. Nonetheless, given that one of the free heroes is Kyra the Cleric, being able to not acquire random garbage would be super clutch. Controlling what goes in your deck, even for just the rest of the adventure, is super important to a lot of characters. I'm saying this as a guy whose main hero was the S&S playtest version of Ranzak.

  3. I was wondering this too, and figured that I was just being dumb. I don't understand what an uncommon is, when every set of cards is fixed. More to the point, I'm not sure what buying the chest even does. Does it give a party the immediate opportunity to add cards to their deck? Does it add additional cards to the vault? If the former, do I have to add them to my deck(s) then and there or lose them? Is it just a handful of copies of Poog of Zarongel? Are they all boons, or do they include banes too?


    I doubt I'll buy any chests, but I imagine that for a number of players who would that not knowing what they do is a major obstacle the way it stands. 

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