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Posts posted by Red_Iron

  1. Hi, guys! I need your advice.


    Currently I'm playing on PoTD with next party (custom mercs):

    1. Paladin (Kind Wayfarers) - main character.

    2. Paladin (Bleak Walkers)

    3. Barbarian (2h, Tall Grass/Grey Sleeper)

    4. Ranger (Stormcaller)

    5. Druid

    6. Priest


    This party is very comfortable for me. Two paladins are very good tanks and provides 2 auras, 4 strong heals and 2 revives per encounter. Barbarian with the Tall Grass - control/DPS. Stormcaller ranger is main DPS character, his pet is a good scout and tanks first enemy spells and other agression. Druid is the ranger's best friend (-5 shock resist) because of Returning and Relentless Storm and wild shock, and he is also good burst DD when shifted. Priest - buffs.

     I came to the WM1 at lvl 7. Initially it was not very easy, but now, at lvl 11, gameplay becomes very comfortable. I think, when paladins gets Sacred Immolation, my party completely becomes a steamroller.


    Now I'm thinking about party for the next game.

    I want to keep paladin, ranger, druid and priest in my party. I can take 2-nd paladin again (I like double auras and heals) and repalce barbarian by chanter (for Aefyllath (does it stacks with Sacred Immolation?), Dragon Thahed and Ila). Or I can keep barbarian (nice control, DPS ant it is very funny when Twin Stones from Sleeper procs in large group of mosnters) and use chanter as tank. But in this variant I lose aura and heal.


    Any suggestions?

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