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About Leanest

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  1. oh ok, im sorry about that 6 foot invisible rabbit, i didn't realize that im a complete noob on this site atm, and sorry to anyone else for this inconvienience
  2. Yeah im a newbie to this site, so im probably gonna get lots of criticism but what the hell with it. I reckon that the new plot should start out with a jedi again, but the point that i come from for this suggestion is this. -When i played out the dark side on kotor2 kreia mentions that the jedi will always live one, that it will never die, there is always at least one left. I believe that it should start with a jedi gone sith turned bounty hunter (and also unknown to be jedi to all people) from the madalorian and jedi civil wars, and instead of being light or dark start as neutral revan and the exile at the beggining of each of the other games. He should be a well renouned bounty hunter that eventually gets a job to go into the unknown regions of space to find a lost frieghter with precious cargo on it. The job shall be issued by the Exchange (Goto) to look for the Exile. But instead of finding a frieghter in the unknown regions he finds a Sith Warship in orbit just out of the location where malachor V was, the bounty hunter gains the attention of the warship and the warship chases our bounty hunter into the unknown regions as he sends out a distress signal for republic or local assistance. He/She eventually find themselves heading for crash course to a planet made up of mainly snowy mountains, and hops out of his/her ship and try and find a safe haven but only to be tracked down by a sith apprentice, and the hero bests him with his bounty hunting skills and takes his lightsaber and hides it with his old one, and takes the apprentices shuttle and flys into the warship and finds the Ebon Hawk in bad but still flyable shape in the hanger. He steals it and after killing almost a platoon of sith warriors with only a couple of grenades loots their bodies of their lightsabers, weapons and other things he can use, and flys out the hanger and takes a blind jump in hyper space where his/her journey can begin........ Thats how i think it should sorta start out anywayz, but i was trying to read this forum that had about 10 other parts to it, and i agree at the beggining of the 7th one how you make your own apprentices and make and renown yourself, where you eventually train an apprentice of your choice. and so on..... but yeah this is just an idea i thought of, im actually thinking about my own fanfiction for this beggining story, heheheh. please give me some criticism for this idea cause if i do write a fan fiction, i want it to be PERFECT
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