Hi all,
Recently bought a copy of Pillars and it's expansion White March - absolutely loving it so far!
I'm looking for a build for a Ranger focusing on getting the most out of the Stormcaller Bow. I want to focus on getting the most DPS out of it, but without neglecting the useful stuns and Returning Storm procs.
For stats I'm thinking the following:
M: 18
C: 8
D: 18
P: 18
I: 13
R: 3
And for talents: Wounding Shot, Resilient Companion, Marksman, Weapon Focus: Adventurer, Apprentice's Sneak Attack, Stalker's Link, Stunning Shots, Twinned Arrows (Does anyone know if Heart of the Storm works with the shock damage and returning Storm?)
It would be great to get some advice on the above and also what the optimal equipment is to get the most out of the build.