Hey guys, I've been playing POE for a while now and I really like the gameplay, but I am kinda disappointed by the story/setting. I am a huge fan of fantasy medieval genres, the story of POE doesn't feel epic compared with fantasy medieval setting like dragon age:origin, warcraft or lord of the rings.
The world where pillars of eternity takes place in feels a bit empty. There is no war going on in the world. It doesn't feel like your party is in danger. It doesn't feel like you are making a huge impact on the world.
In POE, it feels like all these regions are disconnected from each other and they feel kinda rigid. For example: lord raedric just sits in his castle doing nothing where his story isn't tied to the other regions. Defiance bay is big, but there nothing going on except for picking up quests. Your huge stronghold may as well not exist in the world. There is little to no conflicts between regions/races. Every map you visit feels isolated from the world.
If you take story of dragon age: origin for example. You have a huge impact on the world where your character eventually becomes the leader of a huge army to fight the blight. All these regions are connected to each other. Cities are being taken over by the blight and sometimes you have to defend a village (whereas in POE, you don't see Defiance Bay getting attacked for example). Conflicts between humans, orcs and elves. Your main character has to travel through the world to gather armies from different races to fight the evil. The world constantly changes.
I know POE is the spiritual successor of the bg series, but I would also like to see these epic stories in POE where the main character has a huge impact on a constantly changing world and where there is conflicts/war going on. Do these type of stories not fit with these isometric rpg genre?
I'd like to hear your opinion. Do you prefer POE as it is or do you prefer a larger scale story like Dragon age, Warcraft, LOTR etc.?