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I tested it today, and yeah Triggered Immunity works with Take the Hit's raw damage. However when the warrior becomes immune to raw damage, take the hit starts transferring damage from party members to warrior in the original source instead of raw. I mean instead of transferring 12 shock damage to warrior as 12 raw damage, it starts transferring it as shock damage. And as far as I have seen, DRs not working on the transferred damage, so immunity to raw damage is even a negative thing. If the tank becomes immune to any other damage type, he/she would still be immune to attacks from other sources but by becoming immune to raw he becomes immune to only rarely seen raw damage which not functioning properly with "Take the Hit". One more annoying thing is, after the Triggered Immunity vanishes on the tank, the transferred damage still stays in the original source instead of raw "if my game has not been bugged". So this whole thing is a mess :D
For this kind of encounters I proposed a solution beforehand; "As the build is not focused on accuracy (no weapon specializations) but graze to hit conversion, you can always try to use Jena's Lance, Whispers of Yenwood or Resolution in times of hard DR counters. The weapons I have given as examples are also Reliable "+20% of Grazes converted to Hits"." You can also increase the number of choices as Boeroer mentioned as well. Maybe i may even find a save with Alpine alive and kill him in POTD to give you more leads on how the alternative stuff works.
Eh, sorry. Now that I read it again I see that my post was ambiguous. I didn't mean it in that way. I meant: since it has some features of my old build - and those worked pretty well back then - I assume that this one is viable, too. Sorry again if it came out the wrong way. Anyway there's no rule that you can't post builds which look a bit similar to others. If this build gets rushed by or not is not so important as long as he absorbs half of all party damage via Take the Hit. Combining self heal with Take the Hit on a char who doesn't get damaged much by enemies is pretty smart. With potions of Infuse of Vital Essence this guy can absorb tons of damage for his crew without resting. I did the same with a second row pike fighter and it works really well. But once you use any form of mind control (I had a cipher and a wizard) it turns against you so hard that I didn't finish that build. And your second row pike fighter using "The Wind's Arm" and through "Take the Hit" triggering "Arthek's Cord" ?.
This is obviously not a solo build as the idea is to help others survive. If your concern on party base is the aggro this guy can hold, although have not tried this extensively yet, I can say this guy can punish easily who passes by him (overbearing guard). Just throw some Will reduction area effects on enemies and let him punish them with Executioner's Hood as well. And with a paladin aura this guy can reach 55% graze to hit conversion. Enemies will definitely ignore this guy unfortunately. Overbearing Guard is OK at locking some enemies in but a lot will just eat the prone then move on to another target. Then Take the Hit comes in handy.
Thanks for the tip Boeroer, your feedback is appreaciated as always. I have not checked that build throughly beforehand, although the intention does not seem similar, the resulting survivability seems similar but i think its the way it is ought to be in a fighter tank. Next time before posting a build, seems like it would be better for me to check all existing builds in the post throughly (names of the builds may sometimes be misleading) in order to not waste time and copy/paste some stuff.
This is obviously not a solo build as the idea is to help others survive. If your concern on party base is the aggro this guy can hold, although have not tried this extensively yet, I can say this guy can punish easily who passes by him (overbearing guard). Just throw some Will reduction area effects on enemies and let him punish them with Executioner's Hood as well. And with a paladin aura this guy can reach 55% graze to hit conversion.
Have tried that as well but did not like that toon as much as this one. This is not a solo build. I have made my playthrough with this in POTD and never had a slight issue with surviving as his defenses (especially fortitude) were very good. I have just checked with my save and saw that they are 85 135 113 99 with +3 resting bonus (might) applied at 16. And this is with mediocre gear only. So I think it is not even bad for a solo POTD play. Seems like I have been the one who mislead you with my gear choices and skill choices that this is intended for solo play. I don't think it is wise to share any build intended for solo play without one accomplishing the game solo POTD with that very build or maybe depending on the experience of the builder, some of the hard encounters or parts of the game accomplished with that build. The reasoning behind my gear choices is giving people the idea that the build works with easily achievable gear (so perform quiet fine once he had acquired some of the critical talents in the build). And skill choices was to show that one can achieve solo play skill needs with this. However as I have noted down above, I have made a solo try on Temple of Hylea Dragon, a couple of bounties and Abbey and saw that this toon can run those at lvl 16 solo. Although it is tough at abbey solo, the rest was too easy beyond my expectations. Maybe you, as an experienced solo paladin player, may try this toon on some of the hard encounters you have had across the world and share with us your observations on his performance solo POTD.
The idea with this build is to create a dwarven shield wall who can survive even at hardest encounters with ease and uses "Take the Hit" to reduce the damage taken by other party members. The character is as follows; Race: Mountain Dwarf Class: Fighter Starting stats: Str 18 (15 +2 Racial +1 The Living Lands) Con 18 (17 +1 Racial) Dex 3 (4 -1 Racial) Per 3 Int 18 Res 18 Skills: Background Colonist Stealth 0 Athletics 1 (Fighter) Lore 1 (Fighter) Mechanics 0 Survival 3 (1 Fighter 2 Colonist) Final Skills: Survival 14 (Is to enable Healing III) The rest I honestly did not care, maybe some athletics for extra healing or lore if you need some kind of scrolls to be used Abilities: Armored Grace Confident Aim Constant Recovery Critical Defense (The aim is to achieve a high amount of hit to graze conversion - Durgan Reinforced Old Gerun's Wall + this achieve 35% hit to graze conversion - Crit to hit conversion is an useless attribute to my sense as this kind of solid tank hardly takes crits) Disciplined Barrage Hale and Hardy (Racial) Take the Hit Overbearing Guard Triggered Immunity Vigorous Defense Talents: Rapid Recovery Weapon and Shield Style Bear's Fortitude Snake's Reflexes Bull's Will Superior Deflection Body Control Cautious Attack (Maybe swap this or Snake's Reflexes with +accuracy to enable better Overbearing triggers) Items: Helm : Executioner's Hood (Fits perfectly as it debuffs opponents and gives almost constant +5 Accuracy) Chest : He Carries Many Scars (+2 Cons, Durgan Reinforced) Ring 1 & 2 : Ring of Protection & Gwyn's Band of Union Feet : Boots of Stability Cloak & Neck : Cloak of the Tireless Defender Hands: Siegebreaker Gauntlets Belt : Belt of Bountiful Healing Weapons : Whispers of Yenwood and Old Gerun's Wall See you guys for now. Have fun playing RPGs.
You guys both would check (http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/85492-the-obsidian-boards-build-list-last-modified-25-feb-17/) this topic for builds. And for the skills, survival is a must for all members. Caed Nua resting bonuses stack with survival resting bonuses. You should at least try to aim for second tier of bonuses (7-12 survival) depending on each member's needs. It is defined in the above mentioned thread which are the best bonuses for each class/spec presented. Athletics may come in handy for self healing characters especially at solo plays, however I have never found it useful enough. You need a certain amount for some encounters, I am pretty sure the amount is written somewhere in the forums. Maybe you can achieve it only for this purpose in one of your characters. Try to pick one which will benefit from it the most. @atchodas I am also putting here a party composition which i picked from the above mentioned thread fitting your wishes: Tank 1: Barb - http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/89991-class-build-the-golden-dragon-barbarian-tank/ Tank 2: Rogue - https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/88458-class-build-the-yellow-flash-riposte-offtank-rogue/ Melee Support: Paladin - http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/83526-the-darcozzi-forward-observer-could-use-some-input/ Priest: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/83506-class-build-support-priest-or-how-i-buffed-the-others/ Wizard: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/83681-class-build-zeblastian-hurtstacker-autoattacking-double-trouble-dps-wizard/ Ranged Damage Dealer: Cipher - http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/84478-class-build-cipher-30-mr-speedo-ranged-frenzied-maniac/ or Chanter - http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/89315-class-build-the-gunslinger-potd-solo-guns-only-chanter/
You can try microing that part and use FoD with higher base damage weapons (it is even cooler that way I must admit). You can even replace Enduring Flames with Quick Switch for this. However the idea behind this build is to benefit maximum from graze to hit conversion and max Str, Dex to achieve good dmg and max Res to achieve good survivability. I did not know that Gaun's Share's Draining does not benefit from healing bonuses. But it is rare to see crits with this build and the only times you are more likely to crit are the times of FoD and we may benefit from them even more with two-handers as noted above. Agreed on the switch for a higher weapon damage FoD burst. Also how about high DR enemies? This is what has always frustrated me about Flails. Even with Vulnerable attack its not that much of a bypass on an Animat or Dragon that has 25+ DR to crush (Sworn Enemy will help here but i still dont think its enough). I am in no way trying to poke holes in the build. I am just asking questions I love Flail Paladin flavor but havent been able to make it work. As the build is not focused on accuracy (no weapon specializations) but graze to hit conversion, you can always try to use Jena's Lance, Whispers of Yenwood or Resolution in times of hard DR counters. The weapons I have given as examples are also Reliable "+20% of Grazes converted to Hits".
@Torm51 I admit that hard hitting is an objective comment. I know that I must have been more precise and give concrete info on how hard those hits are. However I prefer to not do it and let you try and see it with your own eyes and then make a comparison :D You can try microing that part and use FoD with higher base damage weapons (it is even cooler that way I must admit). You can even replace Enduring Flames with Quick Switch for this. However the idea behind this build is to benefit maximum from graze to hit conversion and max Str, Dex to achieve good dmg and max Res to achieve good survivability. I did not know that Gaun's Share's Draining does not benefit from healing bonuses. But it is rare to see crits with this build and the only times you are more likely to crit are the times of FoD and we may benefit from them even more with two-handers as noted above.
Hello, This is the first time I'm posting here but recently I found out that I am spending almost all of my time while playing PoE, trying to create viable builds. Have checked all builds under the The Obsidian Boards' Build List and haven't found a similar toon, so I thought I might add this here as I have had so much fun playing this and maybe you guys also enjoy your next playthrough with this while waiting for PoE2. The idea is to create a durable dual wielding fast and hard hitting paladin which can easily overcome hard foes like dragons with the help of sworn enemy and flames of devotion. The character is as follows; Race: Coastal Aumaua Class: Paladin (Goldpact Knights) Starting stats: Str 21 (18 +2 racial +1 the living lands) Con 8 Dex 18 Per 10 Int 3 Res 18 You can even decrease perception more to increase Constitution if you find it hard to survive. As the idea in this build is to use paladin aura "15% of grazes converted to hits" & flails "30% of grazes converted to hits", you will never have hard times hitting anyway (tried it on dragons, Abbey of the Fallen Moon - all solo). I just wanted to be on the safer side in terms of hitting, cause after a couple tries i found out that the faster i destroy my opponents the easier is to survive, then i did no longer care about a bigger hp pool. Skills: Background Merchant Stealth 0 Athletics 2 (Paladin) Lore 2 (1 Paladin 1 Merchant) Mechanics 1 (Merchant) Survival 0 Final Skills: Stealth 0 Athletics 5 Lore 6 (Is to cast lvl 3 scrolls) Mechanics 12 (9 Base +1 Dungeon Delver +2 Gloves) Survival 8 (Is to enable Healing II) Abilities: Deprive the Unworthy Faith and Conviction Flames of Devotion Lay on Hands Healing Chain Sacred Immolation Righteous Soul Second Wind Sworn Enemy Towering Physique Zealous Focus Talents: Two Weapon Style Enduring Flames Scion of Flame Savage Attack Vulnerable Attack Bear's Fortitude Deep Faith Intense Flames Items: A side note here, you can try this build with improved gear which I have noted down in parenthesis as alternate. However I tried to make a viable build with comparably easy to find gear and did not include Caed Nua quest rewards to avoid the need for companions (in case of solo tries). Helm : Garodh's Chorus or any str helm (alt: Maegfolc Skull) Chest : Heldrik's Coat (alt: He carries many scars or Ryona's) Ring 1 & 2 : Ring of Protection & Ring of Thorns (alt: iron circle or ring of deflection) Feet : Shod-in-Faith (alt : Viettro's) Cloak & Neck : Shroud of Mourning (alt: Lost Periapt of the Winding Path) Hands: Gauntlets of Swift Action (alt: Ryona's) Belt : Belt of Bountiful Healing (alt: looped rope or binding rope) Weapons : Gaun's Share & Unforgiven (Both Superb & Durgan Refined & Burning Lash) See you guys for now. Have fun playing RPGs.