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About addik

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  • Steam
  1. Hi Aarik, Thanks for the reply. Restarting sadly did not work BUT, after installing the latest update (2.0.1 I believe? It was a 1.5gb update on Steam) I managed to seemingly fix the issue by also setting my Steam to run as administrator. Saves now seem to work, I can progress into the ruins at the start of the game as well. Thanks again! Looking forward to playing through!
  2. Windows 10 has a Documents folder, I no longer see a My Documents folder. The Documents folder is in c:\Users\MyUserName\Documents I do notice that there is a c:\Users\MyUserName\Saved Games folder and in that folder is a Pillars of Eternity folder that is empty save for another folder called "2.0 Save Games Backup." That folder is also empty. I have 200 GB free on the hard drive, and it is the only hard drive in the computer, with no other partitions.
  3. These are my output log and dxdiag files: https://www.dropbox.com/s/t0phh7k8gqg4ec3/DxDiag.txt?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/flc1h5mzshdcj18/output_log.txt?dl=0
  4. The game does not let me save. I cannot save via the menu. Clicking on the "Save" button does nothing. Quick saving does not work either. I press F5, the game "hangs" as if it is saving something, but there is no save game to load. Because of this, I also cannot get past the first map and the game remains stuck on the loading screen after the storm hits and we enter the ruins. I am running Windows 10, and playing the game through Steam. I am running whatever the latest version of the game is on Steam, and I have tried verifying the files which did not fix the issue. I have also tried re-installing which did not work either. I really hope this issue can be fixed.
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