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Posts posted by Artyom87

  1. I never understand why games have such small limits on difficulty. If someone wants an extreme challenge and reload all the time, or think and plan ahead, or play in constant fear... Then let them have this possibility. This also adds alot of replayability to any game


    The developers should have added an additional 1-2 difficulty levels which would make it really, really hard, even impossible. As long as the player has a choice, hell, why not add 100 more difficulty levels? or do the game developers seriously underestimate player's potential?

  2. Anyone read the latest freakonomics book? They've an interesting chapter where they report on numerous studies which conclude that no wine connosiur or anyone else can tell the difference between a $100 wine and $2 wine. Iam pretty sure same goes for heavier liquer


    Personally I like to experiment with different beers but I prefer once which offer strong taste. Whether it is malty sweet wheat beer like hoegarden, or the occasional double or triple IPA. Sometimes when I just wanna get wasted I buy cheap $3 six packs of big flats from walgreens or a 30 case of busch for $18 from my gas station


    Also I knew guys who drank 20 liters of beer, daily(met them at a hospital in russia, ironically). Thats like twelve 40's a day. I also know way too many sceptics who think that just because they cant drink a 12 pack in 2 hours, then nobody can. 

  3. everyone and everything has a bias, especially a journalist who has to write lengthy reports


    The fact that the OP pointed out that nepotism should be ostracized, and in pointing that out he didnt give much attention to other forms of favoritism and bias, reveals that the OP and others have a bias towards one particular form of bias and/or video game thus this article of bias became popular.


    The paradox is that the person pointing out someone's bias is often the one with the bias, or at least he is the one pretending he does not have them, or avoids them.


    Instead, we should all just accept people have biases and it makes the gaming community a harmonious world. Someone might sleep with a journalist, but someone else might simply pay off more, or be more famous, or just happen to have went to the same university as the journalist. There are millions of factors as to why each and every journalist has a bias to each and every video game. Therefore, we should not care


    Hi I am arty and I am the new morals councelor

  4. Hi guys iam currently downloading the game on steam. So excited, i just now found out this game already came out, i thought it hadnt.


    My nub question: Ive read that the paladin is a good PC choice, and iam planning on making one. My question are the stats. I read here that dex and per arent that important. Does that mean I could drop them as low as possible like you'd do in BG1-BG2 ???? Like would that negatively impact anything important?

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