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Everything posted by Cimmerian999

  1. Looks very similar (though I don't even see the saved games, when I hit "load" it's just blank). But this is beyond my skills. I'm on a PC and know how to get to the old DOS prompt, but this looks like Unix (which I knew a bit about back in something called the "1980s"!). Thanks.
  2. I just started playing II and have a huge problem. It won't save. Whether I do Quicksave or a dedicated named save. When I go to "load" nothing is there. The game isn't playable from the beginning every time! I'm doing this after playing for about 20 minutes. Any chance I have to play longer to be allowed to save? Any ideas would be amazingly helpful. Thank you.
  3. White March scaled up is ok, but not specifically designed to high level, and loot doesn't get better!
  4. I have already killed Concellhut (sp?). Any advice whether to scale up to higher level or not? Seems like it will be very easy if I don't. But something irks me about arbitrary scaling up for same payoff (as opposed as designed for high level with bigger payoff). How well does scaling up work? Anyone have experience? thanks.
  5. I could be wrong but I believe if you make the right choices in the script you can kill the Drunk Orlan without a fight. Not too honorable but it works...
  6. OK, finally that's helpful! That is a really weird decision on there part as it's quite natural to play the quests you already have been assigned. Also, very weird that killing Thaos just cuts you off from all other stuff. But, even if I disagree, very helpful to know! OK, I will jump into the pit much much much later. At least I know I will win... Thanks.
  7. I don't think so. I got all the gods to sign off. Jumped into the pit. Survived. Then beat Thaos. Game over. Now only option seems to restore me to this automatic pre pit save. Do I really play from there? That's like I never beat Thaos... Thx. That is, I had not beaten the game already. I 1) talked to the Gods, 2) jumped into the pit (generating autosave), 3) beat the game. Now I have to go back to the autosave before beating the game?
  8. I don't think so. I got all the gods to sign off. Jumped into the pit. Survived. Then beat Thaos. Game over. Now only option seems to restore me to this automatic pre pit save. Do I really play from there? That's like I never beat Thaos... Thx.
  9. I played a ton more than the pit. Had to go through whole thing to kill Thaos??? It's there but that's "act 3" I have a ton of saves from act 4!??? Do I really go back to that? Thanks.
  10. I played a ton more than the pit. Had to go through whole thing to kill Thaos???
  11. OK, I installed the expansion pack before I was done with game. I just killed the big T. Released the souls. Etc. Had the big concluding cut scene, saw the credits... Now how do I keep playing my character to the expansion pack!!?? All the "saved" games seem to be before this event... Thanks.
  12. It wouldn't let me save as "still in combat." Combat never stopping was the issue. Where would I get the output log, and the saved file if there was one? Sorry to be clueless. Thanks.
  13. Happened the second time I had to kill Raederic (as a Fampyr). Was a blight summoned by Druid that wouldn't go away. I played it through the same once and it didn't happen again. This happened once before but I didn't make much of it (don't recall details). Sorry no save file. Thanks.
  14. Anyone encounter this one? Any advice? After long combat summoned creatures never go away so combat never "ends" so you have to redo? Thanks.
  15. This could be my problem... What's that?!? Thanks.
  16. I can't kill Adra Dragon, yet I mow through the other things very easily. Any ideas for areas/quests that are challenging but not instant death like the Dragon? Thanks.
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