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About Aragorn76

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. Et voilĂ  ! Here it is: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/59828748/34141f168fee4998b3c4ec1f436915db%2021463325%20CaedNua.savegame Thanks, Laurent
  2. Hi, I just installed the new beta patch and, as you can see on the attached picture, I observed missing textures on an object (replaced by a uniform pink color). Very annoying !
  3. Very strange. I don't know if that can help but I'm participating to the beta program of Steam too. So maybe you can try with this beta version by selecting it in the settings.
  4. Hi, I'm using "El Capitan" on my MBP (15 inches, late 2013) since the first beta versions and I have no such issue. I guess it depends on your graphical card. Maybe a problem with the drivers ? For me, no problem for both NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M and Intel Iris Pro (I did not test it before but it works surprisingly well with POE).
  5. Hi, I still have this "blurry text" issue with my MBP (late 2013), running the game at 1920x1080 resolution. It is really annoying. More surprisingly, I came back to the non-beta version and the problem subsists !!
  6. Apparentely, there is a workaround for the "resolution bug" : https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/80571-no-longer-able-to-change-screen-resolution/ The maximal resolution is however 1920*1200, what a pity for recent iMacs ! For me, it's just fine on my 15 inches MBP. But there is still the "retina" issue !
  7. Hi guys, First I apologize for my approximate English, I'm french. I began to test the new beta 2.0 this morning (many thanks to the developers by the way) and I found an annoying "bug" for mac users. This new version does not seem to handle correctly Retina displays (mine is a 2013 MBP). Characters portraits are blurred on the bottom of the screen and this is the case for all windows (inventory, characters stats, map...). More annoying, I tried a lower resolution (don't ask me why ) and now, it is impossible to come back to the previous one (1920*1200). I only have two choices : 1280*800 and 1440*900. Finally, I reinstalled the official last release but it is still impossible to obtain a higher resolution than 1440*900 (of course, no problem with my retina display now) ! I tried to find a kind of "configuration file" on my mac but I did not succeed. ( I hope you will fix these bugs in the next beta. Thanks !
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