Hi guys,
First I apologize for my approximate English, I'm french.
I began to test the new beta 2.0 this morning (many thanks to the developers by the way) and
I found an annoying "bug" for mac users.
This new version does not seem to handle correctly Retina displays (mine is a 2013 MBP).
Characters portraits are blurred on the bottom of the screen and this is the case for all windows (inventory, characters stats, map...).
More annoying, I tried a lower resolution (don't ask me why ) and now, it is impossible to come back to the previous one (1920*1200).
I only have two choices : 1280*800 and 1440*900.
Finally, I reinstalled the official last release but it is still impossible to obtain a higher resolution than 1440*900 (of course, no problem with my retina display now) ! I tried to find a kind of "configuration file" on my mac but I did not succeed. (
I hope you will fix these bugs in the next beta.
Thanks !