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Posts posted by spellbound99

  1. Wasteland 2 was not great for me but OK - with so much trash these days it stands out. Fig is also fine with me but waiting over three years for a game is kind of hard. I know that's how much games of this complexity take to make but any estimate is still an estimate and it can be released well into 2020. I might back it but I still am in doubt.

  2. Yes, I joked in another forum that Sean Murray should either become a prophet or a career politician, cos he spun that **** on an almost Biblical scale. Even now he's wisely keeping his mouth shut while snorting cocaine off plastic boobies.


    I admit to being enthralled with the initial videos, almost on the verge of pre-ordering at one point. The only thing that kept me from doing it was the price of the collectors edition for the PC.


    Best money never spent.


    Sean Murray for the president! :)


    I practically stopped preordering games long time ago, I do it only to support developers I like and trust. But yes, their price was and is rather steep. Despite what I heard about refunds though, they processed mine rather quickly. 

  3. I had high hopes for that game until it turned into Every Man's Refund

    Every Man's Refund!!! Lol, that's such a cool name. Just saw this article today: "Hello Games have not commented at all the unprecedented large number of refunds but they have been continuing to release patches to the game tirelessly fixing many bugs but the core of the game is still mostly boring and without much substance."


    Still one can't help but admire their marketing skills. To sell almost one million copies of the game that is so bad. 

  4. I own it but never got around to playing it.  Story of my life.

    I replayed it way too many times already and when I got over initial excitement, I saw a few flaws in their narrative. I think beginning is a bit too slow. I don't mind it personally but I think games should grab you from the very start. This one doesn't do it unfortunately. But at the same time I have no clue how to make a damn tutorial interesting and exciting. 

  5. Anyone played Legends of Eisenwald?


    I'm backing Eisenwald: Blood of November  which is going to be made in an improved version of LoE engine.  It's a sand-box style Turn-based strategy / RPG.  

    I backed them too! I prefer story driven games but I had so much fun playing Legends of Eisenwald I think this is going to be interesting too. Their DLC Road to Iron Forest was pretty cool despite a small map and a linear story. Good I didn't buy season pass, now can spend few bucks on Kickstarter :)


    Hmm, almost 40% and two weeks to go, I hope they will make it. 

  6. I also didn't enjoy D:OS (backed it) so won't back this one. Really hard to understand why they need Kickstarter again if they claim D:OS was so successful. I listened to their CEO GDC talk and from what I saw it was clear they were doing well (or at least that's the impression I got). I get it, Kickstarter is marketing and stuff, but meh, don't want to back another lackluster game of Larian. 

  7. Finished the game yesterday. Final combat took me almost an hour to figure it out! All because I missed hints beforehand.


    Overall, it's great and I think I will play more. I know now at least where one key decision lies and interesting to see if there are other endings. 


    Good things:

    • Combat is fun and stays fun pretty much to the end. However - only if you use different troops in your army. Put 4 mounted units in front and you will get much less tactical choice. I think it will hold true if you select the same units in your front line.
    • Story. Really well written and folk lore is waved in really nice. Non-linear! The only minus so far - starts a bit too slow to my liking. 
    • Customization and upgrades. Probably the most fun part. Growing your troops and equipping them is very satifactory, having 8 slots of equipment for each unit is really sweet (4 amulets, helmet, armor, weapon, second weapon/shield) plus two potions. Mounted units have extra slot for horse equipment.
    • Immersion - if you like medieval times, this is like taking a trip.
    • A lot of replay value - my playthrough took about 55 hours. Ultrahard level is really tempting. 


    A few issues though:

    • Interface is a bit awkward. I got used to it but still.
    • Chapter 3 is weird, running away under time pressure without having it anywhere else in the game is not too bad but somehow feels out of place. 
    • Was hoping for more strategy but this game is indeed more RPG. The only resource you got is gold. Doesn't make the game worse imho, I just had different expectations. 

    If I had to rate this game, it's 9/10. Maybe should be a bit lower but this is one of the big pleasant surprises I ran into recently. For a small indie team to pull of a game with so much content is indeed a huge accomplishment. I hope it sells well enough so we get to see some addons and expansions. 

  8. I went for his quest! I don't trust the others and him not so much but at least it sounds somewhat reasonable. I have a feeling it will have its downside but screw that, I want justice. How appropriate is actually the line in the game page description - and what is your justice, really? I am impressed by how well interconnected all pieces of the story are. 


    Initially I thought my 4 year old Lenovo laptop wouldn't run the game. However, I read about Nvidia panel settings somewhere and after I added Eisenwald.exe and also the launcher to the panel to run on high performance Nvidia card, the game performs quite well! Granted, FPS used to drop below 20 on Chapter 4 but smaller maps it's all smooth and 30+. It's a nice change for me since a lot of other games don't run at all or run with a very low FPS. 

  9. And now Lords of Xulima is in the humble bundle :p

    Thanks for letting us know! I have it already for quite some time but a few of my friends have it on their wishlist, need to tell them. Humble bundle is cool. 

  10. I tried to avoid consulting the net but I had to do it too. Few times I found it annoying but then I discovered it was my fault since I just overlooked a few things in the quest log. 


    I think I will postpone playing it until the weekend because I can't think of anything else now :) I find the moral dilemmas pretty deep. Played late into the night and had hard time doing my work in the office. I think the last time I was so much into the game it was King's Bounty: The Legend. For some reason these two seem to have similar vibe despite being so different in a story department. 

    • Like 1
  11. I just discovered that some legends you hear are for real! I used to skip reading them early on. That's a really interesting turn of events. That boss in Threver took me forever to beat. 


    El Zoido, did you play the campaign already? I tried to read up on Steam forums but so many spoilers there, even the topics. Unsure whether or not to take a certain quest of someone whose name starts with Z... 

  12. Actually the reviewer quite liked it, although he found the combat a bit too simplistic at times. Well, it does not offer too many deep choices once you have a fixed troop of soldiers with some upgrades to them. Then again I'm not too far in myself, so I can't say too much about the late game.

    Review itself is not too spoilery, iirc.

    I still will wait. As for combat though - I didn't quite like it in the beginning, as I said. But then I played their new scenario, Damned Castle and I really start digging it. The thing is, it's simplistic in the beginning but when you get at least one level, it really starts being challenging. I played some battles like 20 times until I won. The campaign now I am playing chapter with Wolves Widow and Pastor, and that's ton of fun! Huge map, really. 


    But having said that, I used to love Disciples 2 combat and LoE does remind me of that. Which is not the best things, Disciples 2 was rather simplistic but this is indeed innovative. I think cavalry is overpowered though, so I never use it. 

  13. I have this game! Bought when they hit Early Access and kind of hated the combat initially. But then it grew on me. Playing the main campaign now and God, this game change a lot since the 2013. Pretty much the only Early Access I feel happy about getting. I post more when I finish. Did the (in)famous rpgcodex trashed the game like they did PoE? Do they like anything? I will read it a bit later, afraid of spoilers.

  14. Warning: Long post.


    So, Satellite Reign.

    Is it the Syndicate / Syndicate Wars sequel you have been waiting for?

    I don't know. It sure seems to be the one I was waiting for though.

    I heard Satellite Reign was buggy as hell when they hit Early Access. Did it improve since then? I didn't really follow.  

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