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About CmdrSalamander

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  1. Checking back in. Your advice was spot on celliott. In spite of the misleading journal entry, I was still able to complete the Crucible Knights questline and gain their favor. Thanks!!
  2. Many thanks for responding. I will probably not have time to play for another few days, but will report back as soon as I can try your advice.
  3. Based on a few google searches this was a known problem that was supposedly solved by an earlier patch, yet I seem to have run into the same issue in the current version. Specifically, I am at the point in 'The Hermit of Hadret House' where my journal says 'Tell Lady Webb that you are unable to get an invitation', yet when I talk to her there is no such dialog option. Unfortunately, I don't have a sufficiently early save to go back, nor do I have enough time to start over (only get a few hours a week to play), so unless I can find a fix I'm going to have to shelve the game. Does anyone know of a workaround? Console hack? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
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