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About Sormaran

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  • Steam
  1. Difference is, achievements is (!)steam(!) feature, not Obsidian's. And i paid for a game on steam. I thought i well explained this in op... Oh well, as i said, prolly wont answer anymore to ppl who won't read past 1st paragraph. I'll wait for good points\quiestions or answer from dev's regarding the issue(not likely, i know).
  2. Well. Did u activate ur backer bonuses(inc. achievement)? If not, then i dont know what to get you as an answer. But you probably did. Because why should you not, you paid for all of it, right? And buying the game on steam i supposedly paying for achievements of this game and thier unlockability as well. Why is it important to me to unlock them all or dont even check them should be out of question completely, my right to want this and put time into this.
  3. Hello everyone. I just bought the game on steam summersale and found out of this achievement. And i do not like it, very frustrated. Now, for the users who won't read past 1st paragraph - go on with ur insults, i won't respond nor i care for em, but i'll prolly read em anyway, so please, be creative, i'd love to see something new. So i was very frustrated about this, even go as far as rant onto Chris Avellone in twitter(here it is if someone interested), cause his name is kinda nobrainer for me when u think of Obsidian, didnt know he didnt do anything with achievements or with PoE anymore. But he did advise me to reach out Obsidian and ask about this issue. Well, now when i've calm down a bit, lets see if he's right about responsiveness. Why i dont like it? No its not becasue i'm a jealous jellyfish, i do think that ppl who donated money to create this awesome game deserve rewards, they very much do, and i am completely fine with not getting any of the rewards which i didnt pay for. But achivements isnt one of them, why, would you ask? Well its pretty simple, its because achievements is steam feature for the game, not the ingame feature, so why would it be locked behind paywall outside of steam, and this paywall cant even be paid anymore. Why i should buy the game with locked things that shouldnt be locked? Its just illogical, i can get very same game as backers have from torrents, why not if i'm denied of one of the features that steam provide to make buying the game more attractive than pirate it? In torrent edition i wouldnt get this achievement as well as in paid version on steam, but would get all the ingame thing that backers have. I'd give examples, lets say steam cloud would be for backers only, its a steam feature, as is achievements, so what if? Or what if all achievements would be for backers and locked behind the numbers of how much did you donate, so all 100% achievements can be unlocked only be those 5 ppl who donated 10k, then what? Or if some dev's would just straight forward sell achievements for money from their website? Or bages, or... i can go on and on and on. Notice that all these things is Steam Features, not the ingame items or whatever else. Its ridiculous you'd say, steam would never let it happen? Yes indeed. But its the same thing, just much larger scale. But one tiny achievement can slip through as it appears. So why feature that provided by steam itself is locked out of ppl who buying the game on steam? I do not understand this at all. I just hope that dev's will review this achievement, because its completely unfair to ppl who bought the game on steam. And in conclusion, i'm a realist, i know that if i even get the reply from dev's it'll be "nothing we can do, sorry" or something alike, as i've already had an unpleasant experience with Rome2, where Creative Assembly just broke some achievements while patching the game, did respond of knowing the issue and of the fix which will follow... like a 10+ months ago, no fix followed as you'd imagine and steam doesnt care either about the issue, but there, these broken achievements can be unlocked, at least at some point. Here ppl who bought the game cant unlock all the achievement without using ahievement manager or whatnot. But achievements is the parts of the game that cant be locked out off steam, because, as i've already said, its a steam feature. Thanks.
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