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About Dalhara

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. Cheers for the reply, Fardragon, deleting now.
  2. Morning all, I have just watched Mr Odds lets play Pillars of Eternity No 4. Cypher, war and wizard in the Gilded Vale temple. I am watching the battles and mine do nothing like this. When CO sets the wizard to attack only a sword appears in the bar above his head. In mine it is feet. All the time no matter where I target the mobs, I never get that icon in my overhead bar. It will show spells and abilities but never just the sword. I know that I am no where near as good as you guys, but I am sorry Fardragon, I am doing nothing wrong. I have a bow/rod/gun in hand and selected. I am standing of but still I cannot get them to shoot at the mobs. They are not standing directly behind anyone, I am trying to get to grips with positioning and flanking. My game runns nothing like Chris ODDS. Cheers all. Will try and install on another computor and see, Be safe all and happy gaming Graeme.
  3. I am running the steam version on Win 7 Ultimate 64 and it is unmodded. I appologies, I did mean the red circle for the enemies. Still no auto attack, still running up to the mob and standing there. Deffo have a bow equiped and a blunderbuss for the big fella. No ranged attacks Tried to do the keep lord for gilded vale but no luck. After all my specials were cast that allowed bow work to follow on my ranger just stoofd there as the team wiped with 3 mobs left. So did the chanter, not a shot fired. Was so disheartening. When is the next patch due out and is this addressed? Many thanks all Graeme.
  4. I am running the steam version, well, i bought he disk, on Win 7 Ultimate 64. I have no mods running, it is vanilla. My appologies, I did mean Red recticle for the enemies. Still no luck. I just tried the Gilded Vale boss Lord. I couldnt do it due to the fact my chanter didnt do anything, my ranger didnt either after she finished her abilities and any more than 1 character on a mob just kept running around the enemy I was trying to target. Im sorry that I am going on but I love this game and want it to get better Am pulling what little hair I have out lol, Graeme.
  5. Many thanks to both of you for taking the time to answer me and try and help me out. Please understand that I know that this isnt like the games I mentioned and I do know that it is a new style of game and am excited about that. Re the Green placement marker. I have played since I read your answer and no matter where I taget the enemy, on his body, at his feet on his green placement wheel I always move to him. I have no idea what I am doing wrong. The only way I can get my ranger to fire is to target an enemy and use an ability on him. There is nothing I can do to simply attack him. Re the saved games. I started the game as normal and there were no saved file (there were in the folder, but not accessable through the game) I then started a new character and have been saving as I go along but when I load, the new character is the only one avaliable. Re auto attack. There is no tick in the box because as far as I read it if you put the tick in the box it turns off auto attack I dont mean to be a whinger, I really dont and I want to keep supporting this game but it is frustrating lol. Many thanks for your time, Graeme.
  6. Copied from a posting I think I placed in the wrong forum. My appologies for that. Hi all, I am really sorry to have to write this post but after trying to play the game since it came out, day one, the final straw came today when i started the game to try and discover what I was doing wrong in playing the game (more later) when to my dismay I discovered that all of my saved games were gone and the only option showing to me was to start a new game. Now dont get me wrong, I didnt have hours and hours into the game. I may have done if I could have worked out how to play a bow Ranger, a style i have played in all of my games (BG, BG2, EQ, WoW, DI games - sad I know, but am happy with my abilities in that style) but I am banging my head against the desk. Will come on to that. I have looked withing the genius of Google searching "All my saved games have gone in PoE" and I have noted all that has been said about copying saved games out of the file, re-installing the game etc but even that isnt agreed on nor does it work for all it would seem. My thing is, IT SHOULDNT HAVE TO BE DONE AT ALL. Sorry to shout but it is pure exasperation. My main problem, and the one I have been battling against is combat. I know those of you who are game gurus have explained it elsewhere and I have been scouring You tube, etc to try and find answers but the problem is I play a ranged character with a wolf. Now, at the start of combat, in the intro, I set Calisca to knockdown and the attack whom I think is the mian problem. She will go in and knockdown then carry on attacking the mob. All well and good. A second target I will set my pet to attack and I will use my mark ability. All good. Wolfie attacks, I set my mark and carry on shooting till the mob goes down. Happy days. Then one of the mobs die and it all falls apart. If Calisca is still attacking her target, I select my wolf (Shaznee for those that wanted to know) and set her to attack Caliscas target. A green placement marker appears when I click on the mob and Shaznee duely runns over to it and just stands there, doing nothing. I try to start shooting it with my bow. I have no mark left to set so I select attack and taget the mob. A green recticle appears at the feet of the mob and my RANGER runs over to it and stands there! She canot fire her bow and does nothing. If I select all of them and select attack, she starts firing her bow, the wolf may start attacking but Calisca stops and just stands there. I understand the engagement rules (sort of ) and can see that Calisca has the mob. There is also a green line going from my wolf to the mob the she doesnt attack. When Aloth is recruited, he behaves in the same way! Launch an ability or spell, he does than then stops. I have auto attack enabled but that would seem to be enacted only if my character is attacked but as both my character and Aloth are ranged there is no chance of that happening. I am trying to love this game as I have waited sooo very long for its type to come out but it is just beyond me. Maybe Im to stupid to play it. Maybe if have misread something, I just done know, but the joy is rapidly dimininsing for me and I think I will be setting this game aside. Im really sorry, but for my style, its unplayable as far as I can tell unless someone can tell me what Im doing wrong. Appologies for spelling as I cant seem to find a checker. Safe and happy gaming all, Graeme.
  7. Hi all, I am really sorry to have to write this post but after trying to play the game since it came out, day one, the final straw came today when i started the game to try and discover what I was doing wrong in playing the game (more later) when to my dismay I discovered that all of my saved games were gone and the only option showing to me was to start a new game. Now dont get me wrong, I didnt have hours and hours into the game. I may have done if I could have worked out how to play a bow Ranger, a style i have played in all of my games (BG, BG2, EQ, WoW, DI games - sad I know, but am happy with my abilities in that style) but I am banging my head against the desk. Will come on to that. I have looked withing the genius of Google searching "All my saved games have gone in PoE" and I have noted all that has been said about copying saved games out of the file, re-installing the game etc but even that isnt agreed on nor does it work for all it would seem. My thing is, IT SHOULDNT HAVE TO BE DONE AT ALL. Sorry to shout but it is pure exasperation. My main problem, and the one I have been battling against is combat. I know those of you who are game gurus have explained it elsewhere and I have been scouring You tube, etc to try and find answers but the problem is I play a ranged character with a wolf. Now, at the start of combat, in the intro, I set Calisca to knockdown and the attack whom I think is the mian problem. She will go in and knockdown then carry on attacking the mob. All well and good. A second target I will set my pet to attack and I will use my mark ability. All good. Wolfie attacks, I set my mark and carry on shooting till the mob goes down. Happy days. Then one of the mobs die and it all falls apart. If Calisca is still attacking her target, I select my wolf (Shaznee for those that wanted to know) and set her to attack Caliscas target. A green placement marker appears when I click on the mob and Shaznee duely runns over to it and just stands there, doing nothing. I try to start shooting it with my bow. I have no mark left to set so I select attack and taget the mob. A green recticle appears at the feet of the mob and my RANGER runs over to it and stands there! She canot fire her bow and does nothing. If I select all of them and select attack, she starts firing her bow, the wolf may start attacking but Calisca stops and just stands there. I understand the engagement rules (sort of ) and can see that Calisca has the mob. There is also a green line going from my wolf to the mob the she doesnt attack. When Aloth is recruited, he behaves in the same way! Launch an ability or spell, he does than then stops. I have auto attack enabled but that would seem to be enacted only if my character is attacked but as both my character and Aloth are ranged there is no chance of that happening. I am trying to love this game as I have waited sooo very long for its type to come out but it is just beyond me. Maybe Im to stupid to play it. Maybe if have misread something, I just done know, but the joy is rapidly dimininsing for me and I think I will be setting this game aside. Im really sorry, but for my style, its unplayable as far as I can tell unless someone can tell me what Im doing wrong. Appologies for spelling as I cant seem to find a checker Safe and happy gaming all, Graeme.
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