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Posts posted by Chucky

  1. Maybe you should do at least some research before hating like a spoiled kid...


    There is a Modification calles "iemod" which changes a lot of the design choices around to make it more like the old IE Games like BG or IWD. One of this "fixes" removes the Engagement system altogether and tweaks the AI a bit, so monsters turn on other heros if the way is blocked for example. I don't know if it is this u mean, but imho the mod does a great job. Link:  http://rien-ici.com/iemod/pillars_of_eternity


    Btw, pulling was a part of BG for me, because getting surrounded by enemies meant certain death in most cases.

  2. I started as a Druid, too, because I thought shapeshifting could be a fun tool. Didn't play beyond level 4 so far, due to time and some bugs that I wanted to wait out. But I can already see it falling down, because the miss chance is pretty high indeed. My Druid can't tackle most of the stronger enemys without heavy spellcasting.. Life is draining really quick, too, so most of the time she stays back with my wizard :(


    So, I voted yes, at least a minor buff to the lategame or some more talents for the shapeshift would be nice ;) Druid is really strong on the spellcasting front, though, so I might stick with it anyways.

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