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Posts posted by KOTORLover

  1. maybe nihilus could come back in K3 (I know you killed him but use your imagination). that would complete his storyline and maybe make him a much better character.



    Nihilus COULD come back just like with the Emperor after Vader kills him he was brought back from (well whatever its called) by the other Sith Lord spirits and he reigned for another year then he died and he came back again (bout 3 times i think) but he eventually went crazy but anyways yea the same thing could happen with Nihilus

    :ph34r: :ermm:

  2. !!!SPOILLER!!!AHEAD!!!




    ah dude u can kill Carth if u r darksider female Revan or even get Bastilla to do it if u want


    I never knew that. Sadly, I'm probab ly never going to do that because the darkest I get it light grey, and I don't want to kill Mission, Zaalbar, Juhani or Jolee.


    P.S. Dont need to say about spoiler, in this forum people should expect it.


    P.P.S. Is Juhani really a lesbian or is that just from the KOTOR Parody?



    Juhani being a lesbian is just a glitch in the game that the makers have reconised(bad spelling)

  3. well actually when ur on Onderon there is someone in the cantina who needs a starport visa and also u actually fought with him in the wars and hes now a republic spy and once u tell him theres an onderion dipolmat on telos he wants to go there and asks if u have a spare starport visa and if u give him one he leaves but ive never seen him at telos

  4. out of my party members i hated Mission, Zaalbar, first T3-M4 cuz u couldnt have a convo with him, Disciple, the Handmaiden, Bao-Dur and G0-T0

    others were Calo Nord, all the Hutts in K1, Vrook, Darth Malak, i liked Saul Karath, the Twi'ilk sith, the One, Luxa, Atirs(not sure on the spelling) and Visquis well thats all i can think of anyway

  5. Most hated planets of kotor (in totally random order)


    Manaan-... the speech, would somebody please kill the Selkath and their idiotic "neutrality"

    Star Forge (Deck II)- Loads of enemies can be fun... but unlimited amounts are not

    Dantooine/Korriban of Kotor2- Prefer new planets, not butchered old planets

    Peragus II- Way too long and not enough RPG-required interaction with the locals (too much fighting and such, and taking major long routes to end back at the start. Still don't get why I should go to the compound of the survivors to escape and activate an "critical elevator" if it only brought me back to the starting point...

    Malachor V- Rushed, rushed, rushed...also too many fighting (like Deck II)



    i agree with what Battlewookiee said except about Korriban always love that place

  6. i liked most of the worlds except Dxun and Nar Shaddaa because they are just not very good. i liked Dantooine and Kasshyyk and Rakata Prime and the Telosian Restoration Zone because they looked very natural and peacful. i like Taris, Telos Citadel Station and Manaan because they were like cities. i liked Korriban in K1 and K2 because it was like ancient Egypt and it was a Sith planet i love the Sith and Malachor because it had like an evil presence and and the way the planet looks.

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