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Everything posted by Ventghal

  1. Something else about the different lines is that there is an option for almost every attribute. I've gotten Security, computer, repair, demolitions, awareness, wisdom the obvious persuade and Charisma. Some of these I didn't see last go-round Is it just me or is there way more story LS?
  2. I'm sure this has been done; but I wanted to see the answers myself. I'm pretty much finished my 2nd run here (LS Male) and I've converted everyone except Bao-Dur. Is it just me, or is Mira the LEAST time-consuming? I got her; never used her. Then I used conversation options until she agreed to come to Nar-Shaddaa and try to feel it. Then I did it. BANG! Jedi. Now, not counting the cut scenes; this entire process takes approximately 5-7 minutes. Handmaiden; you have a level requirement. Atton; you need to gain a fair amount of influence. Its too bad I didn't realize this sooner; Mira is such a high level now that she'll learn like 3 force powers. I guess I should have taken her up on her offer to visit Nar Shaddaa sooner; I was just guessing that it would work. And isn't Boa-Dur the hardest?
  3. Fixed; error in game. It turned him into a jedi without giving him the "Force Sensitive" Feat" Got it now!
  4. I just got Atton Sentinal-ized; and now, no matter what hes got no force points. It always says force depleted. This is Xbox.
  5. Try the Xbox ending; you get to talk to Kreia...and thats pretty much it. You get a good view of Malachor, and of a distant nebula though..........whoo.
  6. I have the PC version; but its was a "semi-legitimately aquired" copy; and I felt I should own a copy. I don't really like playing games on my PC; hogs up space I use for other stuff. But you're right; it does limit mods and such i can use.
  7. It was just a fun game to play (Minus the bugs) and I always looked forward to it. I loved starting out with force powers (Got to use the whole range for once!) Hated how long it took to get a lightsaber (I screwed up and it took me even longer; but it takes a longer time than KotOR did) I played; hoping to learn more about What Atton did in the past; and what the Heck is up with G0T0. I guess I didn't have them in my party too much. But I kept Kriea in there for her Mentor bonus; and for her random force teachings. G0T0 kinda sucks; and I liked Mandalore. (What the Hell happened to Canderous? He acts totally different now) I wanted more of the Handmaiden story; but I know I porked that. I think I can honestly say that I like all the story elements better in KotOR than in II. its like they got the basics done; started some indepth story; then cranked out the copies for sale.
  8. I'm sorry, but I just finished KotoR II (Xbox, DS Guardian/Marauder) and I can't believe the level of crap. Maybe I screwed something up; lets face it; chances are good. But All I got was that irritating old bag talking about what happens to the people and planets I've been involved in. Talking? Who the gives a crap about talking. I want some cut-sceen action. Please tell me we learn more about Attons past; what the Hell is G0T0; where the HK-50's come from, why T3 Locked the navi-comp and pretty much everything about everyone. Please, tell me I'm just an idiot and that there WAAAAAAY more cool stuff that I'm just to stupid to do........ ....then tell me how to do it.
  9. Thanks guys. I'm saving my next few levels (All the force powers I currently want are lvl9+ only; and i just got to 7) so I'll have some huge persude by the time I hit 9.
  10. Sorry if this should be somewhere else! I've played through KotOR 1 4 times; and after the second time, I learned that I don't need to put points into persude; as learning affect and Dominate mind do not require it. I just bought SL; and although I have affect and dominate; I'm not seeing the usualy "Force Persude" option that I used to; nor is persude working as often as I should. I'm still at the very begining of Telos. Should I put some points into that Skill to get it working properly; or is Telos the SL's version of Taris; and I should just wait till I'm off this planet?
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