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Posts posted by Cicilion

  1. I will try that, Hades_One, but only if I have no other choice..

    I've never deinstalled any drivers, nor cleaned out my registry before, so please, could you either PM or reply with a step-by-step tutorial how to do it? I'd be most grateful, for this is bugging me a lot, to say the least!


    Thanks in advance!

  2. I'll get to the point immediatly: I'm unable to alter and/or deactivate anti-aliasing, and as far as I can tell, anisotropic filtering as well. Changing the settings in the ingame menu has no effect on the game, not after restarting either. Changing the settings in the control panel of my GPU doesn't work either, nor editing the .ini file. It's still smooth, unjagged and beautiful ingame.. but also slow and sluggish! I've downloaded and applied every patch, tried removing them, did a clean install.. and still no effect! Please, help me, for I too want to play this great game with at least a bit acceptable framerate, and this isn't working!


    My specs:

    AMD Athlon 2000+, ~1.8 Ghz

    ATi RADEON 9800Pro, 128 MB with Catalyst 5.11

    768 MB DDR2 RAM

    Nvidia nForce Mb


    Thanks in advance, Tom


    PS. I'm a new guy :(

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