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Posts posted by DeathzBlade

  1. And when you have a bad one why would want to keep him 4-8 years?



    The americans. They had a bad leader in Bush (who they hated prior to 9/11), and decided to keep him around for 4 more years. :D


    its kind of funny the only smart people in the U.S. is on the west coast.. J/K :lol: but cali, wash, and oregon did all go against him... and as far as a cover up or a conspiracy its all cheney.. every one knows bush isn't the smartest of the bunch.. just look at all the stuff that has and is still being said about cheney on the enron scandal... :-

  2. hmmm, well all I can say is I liked the movie.. it was good... I dont see why they made it so it looks like there will be another one, when they all are saying that was it...

  3. I was wandering if any of you had any ideas of what wireless router and what wireless PCI network adapter or NIC, I should go with or maybe just what brand is one of the better ones to choose from.. I have 2 home pc's and I have them around 50 ft away from each other on cable internet, I did see a linkys router that was a cable modem and router together.. would that be a better choice?? I have been reading that this 802.11b or g is the way to go but I am really new to all this wireless stuff... so hope someone can help me out with some info..

  4. SWG was a blast till the NGE hit... CU was ok, took a week or so to get use to it but it was play-able... I had a fulltemp jedi.. a BH/pistoleer.. and a chef... had 2 accounts for most of the time I played, took for ever to get jedi it seemed.. but when they gave jedi as a starting profession it was like spitting in all the vets faces.. took 6 months just to unlock jedi and then another 6 months of grinding to get full temp... and to have that given to every one after all that work is just a joke man... I am waiting for SWGemu.com to make the pre-cu, free site... if that ever gets off the ground I will be there....

  5. Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,


    With conquering limbs astride from land to land;


    Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand


    A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame


    Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name


    Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand


    Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command


    The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.


    "Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she


    With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,


    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,


    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.


    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,


    I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"




    and to all of you that are saying well its a law lets enforce it.. they cant seem to stop drugs or people speeding every day why would they be able to stop Mexicans from crossing the border... this is just a way to get the worry off of the war and back on something else...

  6. I have been seeing alot of talk about (swgemu) around the internet... swgemu making Pre-CU game... if they get it all going, I wonder how long it will take for SOE or, LA to shut it down.. if they can.. someone is saying they are going to put the server in a country with no internet laws.. but who knows.. some of the people at SOE is saying they probably couldn't get it to run any ways it will take several computers to run.. soe has like 1 computer for every planet.... and with 20+ servers and several planets on every server.. that's alot of computers....

  7. ^ Well, at least now we know who voted the last options...


    No sorry your wrong again... I voted. 6 (good) he isn't by any means the greatest gansta rapper out there.. but he is good... the thing I don't get about guys like you is all your doing is putting down a guy that went from poor street kid to rich ass hell and all you can do is b!tch about the guy.. he worked the system and got pay'ed.. why don't you go listen to your music and leave these boards for gamers... all you have done since you been here is tell every one how there wrong and make an a$$ out of your self.. I listen to all kinds of music.. I don't need to force my views on any one to do that.. the guy has made some good music.. and that's that.. its to bad you cant get out side the box and see that people have the right to like what they want.. no matter what you might feel is good music... <_<

  8. didn't he show the scars or "bullet holes" on bet or something"? I know the game let a mix tape out saying he got shot 3times, and that theres a fake police report (2 actually) one saying he got shot 3 times, and the other saying 9 times


    9 bullets were shot at his general direction, doesn't mean he got hit by all of them.


    Eitherway, his tauted resilience in the face of death is nothing but a marketing gimnick...


    and your nothing more than a pompous a$$..

    oh and have a nice day.... o:)

  9. I never claimed he was the best thing to happen to rap since 2pac and biggie. Just that he makes some good songs to dance and work out 2. and that he's a tough sob.


    that he is my friend.. 50 gets shot 5-6 times and keeps on tickiing lol call him a timex. any ways who ever the classical moron is, he needs to grow up and see there more to life than just him.. seems like all he can do is down grade people for there thoughts and opinions just cause there not his.... he needs a reality check.. but hey, then we would be just like him trying to force our ideas and views on him.. lmao..

  10. thats impossible how can he have no talent if he sales records?  :(  (w00t)  :)


    McDonald sell millions as well, doesn't mean they have talented cooks...


    Sounds more like a jealousy to me.. cant see a person that entertains millions and makes tons of records.. gets tons of recognition for it, through awards and what not... .. but just cause a few computer geeks don't like him or his style of music according to them he has no talent?? so like I said more of a jealousy than anything... Oh and by the way there is no way in hell nwa or any true heavy metal is Pop music... Pop music is bouncy fuzzy wuss music... love to see this guy tell rob zombie he is pop music... :lol:

  11. the true question is, how many people don't like gangsta rap out of the 30 people that voted - abysmal, feeble, or meh..... rap, r&b or hip hop isn't gangsta rap and its not a common type of music.. just cause they put it on M.tv, pop music doesn't mean it is pop music.... but that is just my take on it... I am a NWA, DRE, CUBE, Kid Frost, Lil Kim, and Snoop fan... So I like 50's music.. he isn't as hard core as NWA was but he is that style of music none the less... and for thoughs of you that are saying gangsta music is dead.. its not, its just not main stream right now.... its just like every style of music it comes and it goes... one year its metal the next its brittney F*****g spears... sorry for thoughs that like brittney.. I am not trying to judge people.. she just isnt my type of music...

  12. yea I would buy it if it was PC... if they would do it..


    They told me they'd be interested. All it takes is for LucasArts to give them permission...Obsidian should ask LucasArts and tell them that thousands of people want and will buy a KOTOR II Special-Edition.


    well most peope are ok with whats going on by Team Gizka.. thats the bad part.. most people would rather wait for a K-3.. than buy a k-2 expansion and then wait even longer for K-3...

  13. Why didn't Obsidian post a mod to the game at a later date making the ending alot better??? adding more to the game?? or is that just a ridicules idea to even think that,  the people that make the game, should fix it??  or is LA that much of a hard ball company they wouldn't let them??


    Just something I was wandering, as I dont know anything about this stuff...


    According to the speculation, Obsidian had asked about doing a content patch, but the request was denied by LA.


    So its mainly on LA then... they pushed Obsidian at the end and then wouldnt let them fix it?? man that sucks... LA has a real problem with pushing out stuff when its not ready.. learned that with SWG... but some of it was SOE also.. on SWG lol


    Add to that the Xbox was pushed for the xmas release, while the PC was set for a january/febuary release and so could easily have been "postponed" a month for sake of completion without losing the xmas sale and we begin to get a pretty clear picture that the PC was not allowed to be better than the Xbox version in any way. A curse on the people who forced that decision, which was not Obsidian... :huh:"



    From the rumors I heard on LA... one of the main guys got fired and the new one got rid of most of the old dev team there.. just some of the rumors I have heard.. and from all the crap LA was pulling I can see why now...

  14. a game like this would have all the game bashers all over it.. its sounds like something that would sell good.. look at GTA and hitman and a few others like it.. but then you get people like al gores wife all over it.. just cant seem to have a good evil game with out people like that having a cow over it...

  15. Why didn't Obsidian post a mod to the game at a later date making the ending alot better??? adding more to the game?? or is that just a ridicules idea to even think that,  the people that make the game, should fix it??  or is LA that much of a hard ball company they wouldn't let them??


    Just something I was wandering, as I dont know anything about this stuff...


    According to the speculation, Obsidian had asked about doing a content patch, but the request was denied by LA.


    So its mainly on LA then... they pushed Obsidian at the end and then wouldnt let them fix it?? man that sucks... LA has a real problem with pushing out stuff when its not ready.. learned that with SWG... but some of it was SOE also.. on SWG lol

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