Greetings! I wanted to log in to personally thank everyone involved for making this game. I cannot (to the full extent of my abilities) express the happiness and wonder I feel when playing a game made in this classic format. Why is this, one may ask? For me, it all started in 1998, when I went to the game store to spend all my pocket money on a new game. At that time, I did not have the money to afford the latest consoles with all the latest titles (like today), only an old Windows 98 PC with enough power to run basic applications like Microsoft Office and allow internet browsing with an amazing speed of 3.3-5.6Kbps! I saw a boxed PC game by the name of Baldur's Gate (those who know of this game are now probably smiling or grinning ). I did not know much about it, only that something about it drew me to buy it. The rest, as they say, is history. Having played mostly console games (Nintendo, Playstation) during my early childhood with my friends, I never experienced a RPG or a world this deep and complex, not to mention intellectually stimulating and engaging. Now 13 at that time, I was entering a new age of growth and development and I have many of these games to thank for who I am today. Not only that, but I met wonderful friends, some of which have remained true to this day and whom I share deep memories with, thanks to the common interest of being fascinated and drawn to the exploration of these wondrous worlds and stories. We all know that there are simply too many things to mention that make the Baldur's Gate series of games so memorable. The music, the D&D system mechanics, the vast world, the memorable characters and most importantly (for me), the immersion. When playing those games, I felt as if I was part of those worlds, torn out of reality and placed there to be there to feel and explore the emotions and conflicts that befell my character and companions. For many years now, companies have released other titles like the Neverwinter Nights series, Dragon Age series and others. Gaming has changed, with newer technologies being used to make and change the meaning 3D gaming. What i noticed, however, is that many of today's games lack the 'substance' and 'immersion' that these older titles have. I have played countless of great modern games in the last 17 years or so, but none came close to being as memorable as this. I have forever waited for Baldur's gate 3 or a new game in the series or of a different world but same style or different engine. Games like Pillars of Eternity or the old predecessors were limited in technology, but never in imagination. People from all walks of role-playing backgrounds, such as D&D veterans, writers, readers and 'nerds' (in all sincerity) that simply oozed passion and imagination, poured their heart and soul into these games to bring to life games that touched us all. For many years have I yearned for another title in this format to come out. Sure I wanted more of Faerun and those old characters, but I was open to new worlds and experiences. Pillars of Eternity delivers! I am only 10 hours into the game and loving it! The world details (scenery, foliage, broken items, abandoned ruins and dungeons, etc.), the ominous or mysteriously unsettling music when night falls and you are sneaking around, travelling to the next destination with no clue what lies beyond the next hill. The new lore and world and characters with their own unique personalities that make for memorable travel companions. All of this and more adds to the intrigue and immersion of the world one is in. One is drawn in and compelled to keep adventuring to find out what one's journey will bring next. To sum up, I am happy to be playing another truly great game that combines the vision, imagination and hard work of its creators and its fans, without which this game would not have been possible. Do not give up making these great games (even if it means one day creating a new engine and taking it to true 3D). I hope we will see expansions or sequels to Pillars of Eternity or games similar to its true roots of old.
PS: I know it's hard to describe, but those of you who played BG, Icewind dale, D&D and Pillars of Eternity know that it's a collection of many small details and factors that allows us to feel that special 'immersive' feeling of being part of a wondrous world that is somehow close to our hearts. Why this is so, we may never know.