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yoop the cheat

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Everything posted by yoop the cheat

  1. Hi, After a few days waiting for performance updates or mods, I've found something which may help some of you. The game supports some settings directly from the launcher, these are hidden settings and may improve performance, but also can simply crash the game at launch. So to avoid any problem, backup your saves before doing anything. You've got to make a shortcut of the launcher and modify the path of this one, for example : The defaut path for me is : "C:/GOG Games/ Pillars Of Eternity/Pillars.exe" After the last ", you can add these lines : -force-d3d9 : Make the game using Direct X 9 -force-d3d11 : Make the game using Direct X 11 -force-opengl : Make the game using Open GL instead of any Direct X For example, to use direct X 9 : "C:/GOG Games/ Pillars Of Eternity/Pillars.exe" -force-d3d9 I don't know for you, but for me, this setting makes the game more smooth (about + 5-10 FPS) but also a bit ugglier, especially with the effects, but man, that's the purpose of this topic.
  2. Thanks for the advices, I'm definitly going to look for a good cooling system. As I said, the game runs fine with a static pc, but on a weak laptop without cooling except the fan (mine would need a little clean up), the need of Low graphic settings is very important. Maybe the modding community will make it possible to modify the UI to adapt it with a 1024 x 768 or less version, 800 x 600 in Baldur's Gate II is just fine in my opinion.
  3. Hi, I'm in a situation like yours, the game runs fine on my static computer, but it runs like crap on my laptop. The anti aliasing option coming with the update helped a bit to get more FPS, but the main setting availabel at the moment seems to be the resolution. By default, I'm at 1600 x 900 and downgrading it to 1280 x 720 (which is the minimum) gives me FPS but the UI looks very bad. I think the most cpu/GPU intensive is the quality of effects and models (characters, water movements, lights ...) I used stuff like game booster by Razer and others windows optimizing softwares, the gain isn't big but it still helps. By default : 1600 x 900 Anti aliasing max FPS (only in the first place of the game) : 10-20 Whent putting anti aliasing to mini : FPS : 15 - 25 When putting in 1280 x 720 : FPS : 20 - 27 Some would say that about 30 FPS is okay, but it's the performance when my laptop is "cold", after a few minutes, the FPS drops to 10. I've already been searching for low end PC mods, but there is'nt yet. The most efficient solution I found, still unplayable, is to modify the compatibility mode of the game and launch it with 640 x 480 resolution, the FPS gain is obvious but the UI doesn't work under the 1280x720 limit. But there's a starting with this tool : http://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity/mods/27/? The Idea would be to extract the assets to get a zero compression folder which would take more disk space but need less ressource to be used. You can read the discussion on this mod, there are many troubles using it but maybe, with a new version, it will be possible. Anyway, I hope a new update would come with settings about quality models and shaders. I know it's a great game, but it's almost impossible to play it for more than 2 hours without over heating the pc.
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