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Leader Bee

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Everything posted by Leader Bee

  1. Another UI question guys - It's something I don't see in the options but is there something that will centre the camera on and follow my party automatically when I select a destination on the map?
  2. Any reason why there is no option for custom selection circles? Maybe i'd like my main character to have a different colour to the rest of my team, or perhaps I wan't my mages to be more visable to me by having them a seperate colour from my tanks. Surely that wasn't too much to ask? I guess I don't have room to talk having not been in early access or a Beta backer.
  3. Well... Just barely but with all the effects from spells or other in fight carnage it's really hard to see, huh. Don't understand how this wasn't spotted in playtesting. Someone else mentioned colourblind mode but your selected party members will still be the same colour as the rest of your team right? I overlooked that this might help if that's not the case.
  4. Hi guys, first post and i'm really enjoying PoE but I do have a couple of gripes while in combat, especially when I have a large party or that they are obscured by scenery or groups of monsters. All the characters are highlighted with a green circle in my party and I would like to know if there is an option i'm not seeing or if there is a mod available that will colour my individually selected party members a different colour to make it more noticeable which party member I have selected. This isn't anything to do with colourblind mode. It would also be really nice if there was something that highlighted which stats changed on my characters when equipping new items or armour. Is this something that's possible? Thanks!
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