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Everything posted by Jondalar
This is embarrasing
Jondalar posted a question in Pillars of Eternity: Technical Support (Spoiler Warning!)
Is anyone else having the same issue? because I bought the white march but i dont know how to initiate the dlc. How do you actually start it? do you go into the game and press continue in which it just goes to the end story then credits, start a new game? or just leave the machine and re enter the world? I couldnt give a toss if people call me retarded for missing something obvious, but i reckon you could be a bit more clear on how to start the expansion. -
Unforunately, Nexus do not allow account creation for those who use Tor (and presumably other online privacy tools). Now that is their perogative, but it does confirm the post title as correct - mods on Nexus not being freely available. And their method of pushing premium accounts is really just as sleazy (though not illegal) as the behaviour of some "free" download sites. Not Obsidian's fault, but a plea for any modmakers out there - please provide mirrors using sites that don't require accounts. Also some of the BG2 modding forums should be willing to provide hosting. You don't need Tor to register with Nexus or to download the mod. Moot point--end of discussion. When you want to download from Nexus, turn off Tor. The software is available from Nexus and free of charge. Besides that, no self-respecting person who thinks he's a "gamer" should be without a free Nexus account--the site has hundreds if not thousands of mods for dozens of games. I've had a free Nexus account for many years and Nexus has never once "pushed" a premium account on me. Here's the thing some people have no concept of, however: putting up a server from which people can download game mods costs money--the person who does that cannot do it for free. Nexus is a great site--it utilizes dozens of servers which have to be paid for by somebody. It utilizes great software like the Nexus Mod Manager that is constantly being improved and has to be paid for--software doesn't grow on trees in the wild. So criticizing them for asking for donations is idiotic in the extreme--without those funds Nexus would not exist. You don't have to contribute (which you can do for far less than $50, btw) if you don't want to--you can still join for free and download for free. So what if they ask you to turn of Tor as a condition before you can download? If you want the mod, you'll do that gladly. The thing to remember is this: just because you have a computer and you buy a game doesn't mean that anybody owes you anything for "free." You are not entitled to anything for free simply because you exist and you want it. That's a valuable lesson that some people never learn. Honeslty the second you said "no self-respecting person who thinks he's a gamer..', I immediately decided to ignore everything you said afterwards. That line prefaces self justifying elitist bull**** 95% of the time. Um, yeah dude your right, those other posts wernt directed at you btw lol
Your right, listen people my whole life I thought I was a self respecting "gamer" but this person, who i think works for Obsidian?.. I dunno, anyway, no he's right, I am a peice of sh#@t, how dare I expect this simple tool to be made availible to me, when i pre purchased the game. Of course! your right dude I should have asumed that in order to fix a game breaking bug you need to look for a different 3rd party mod developer to obtain it, my apologies guys, I should have seen that coming I guess.. lol
I don't think it would be too hard, but they may see it as a waste of time that could better be used fixing the actual issue. The console command you're looking to use just tricks the game into thinking that a quest has been resolved. Once they've fixed the bug, it won't be necessary anymore. So, they don't expect you to go get the mod to work around the bug, they're essentially expecting you to wait until they fix the bug instead. If they spend time making temporary workarounds available, they have less time for fixing the underlying bugs themselves. Okay, thanks mate, that makes total sense
Unforunately, Nexus do not allow account creation for those who use Tor (and presumably other online privacy tools). Now that is their perogative, but it does confirm the post title as correct - mods on Nexus not being freely available. And their method of pushing premium accounts is really just as sleazy (though not illegal) as the behaviour of some "free" download sites. Not Obsidian's fault, but a plea for any modmakers out there - please provide mirrors using sites that don't require accounts. Also some of the BG2 modding forums should be willing to provide hosting. Yeah you do have a great point and on top of that, wtf? is it really so hard for Obsidian to just create the IE mod themselves and then just give it to the consumer and say you can use this tool or not its up to you wether you want to use it or not, why do I have to go through Nexus and go through all the hassle of registration to obtain this is my quesion?? and weirdly enough, im now getting denied acess to the file because, the account I just registered with Nexus isnt working?? Ummm, again, the IE Mod is a mod. Do you expect Obsidian to recreate every single mod that anyone dreams up just because someone wants them to? A mod is an optional modification to the game created by fans. Now, I don't know about the bug you're experiencing, sorry about that, but I'm sure that if it's actually an unfixed bug then Obsidian is working to fix it as soon as possible. As soon as they've fixed it, it will be in an official patch, which will have nothing to do with the IE Mod. I get that you're upset about a bug, that's reasonable, and I'm not sure how exactly the IE Mod fixes the bug, but regardless of that Obsidian is undoubtedly working on officially fixing it as quickly as possible. Attempting to take the workaround or fix from the IE Mod and implement it would almost certainly take just as long as (if not longer than) whatever way of fixing it they're currently working on. Listen mate, I have no idea about how mods work or how to create them,I'm just a casual gamer, I was refered to use console comands as a workaround to the problem as stated as above. As far as I'm aware you first have to activate the comands by using the "IRoll20's" then your enabled to use certain comands but the other comands like the main one I want to use which apparently forces the quest to complete is locked unless you have the IE Mod. If you have possibly a solution or anything positive to say, let me know dude, id love to hear it. It wasn't my intent to be overly critical, I was just trying to explain why there was no way that Obsidian would make an official version of the IE Mod. Anyway, it seems like the console command workaround you're looking for does indeed require the IE Mod, and that the only other option would be waiting for an official fix in a patch. If you can't get access through Nexus, then hopefully someone will upload the file for you. I did a search for the file itself online, but the only results were hosted by Nexus, so no luck there. Hope you get your issue resolved. Okay, thanks for letting me know, Im just confused, because a solution to a serious glitch is right there, and I have to download this tool to rectify it, Is it so hard for Obsidian to develop this tool themselves? I mean they created the whole game didnt they, why are they relying on a 3rd party mod deleloper like Nexus bring this tool to the consumer?
Unforunately, Nexus do not allow account creation for those who use Tor (and presumably other online privacy tools). Now that is their perogative, but it does confirm the post title as correct - mods on Nexus not being freely available. And their method of pushing premium accounts is really just as sleazy (though not illegal) as the behaviour of some "free" download sites. Not Obsidian's fault, but a plea for any modmakers out there - please provide mirrors using sites that don't require accounts. Also some of the BG2 modding forums should be willing to provide hosting. Yeah you do have a great point and on top of that, wtf? is it really so hard for Obsidian to just create the IE mod themselves and then just give it to the consumer and say you can use this tool or not its up to you wether you want to use it or not, why do I have to go through Nexus and go through all the hassle of registration to obtain this is my quesion?? and weirdly enough, im now getting denied acess to the file because, the account I just registered with Nexus isnt working?? Obsidian has nothing to do with the IE Mod, they have no responsibility to make your life easier with regards to obtaining or manipulating it. If you have a problem downloading it, speak to somebody on the Nexus or kindly ask a modder to provide a separate mirror. The sense of entitlement is truly ridiculous. Do you work for Obsidian?
Ah, its Windows 7 i think mate I reread your original post, and I understand a little more... I can tell you that, I am stuck too at that quest because when I finish it, everybody attacks me! It's a known bug, unfixable by IE (duh) and I will have to wait for version 1.05... But like you said, it's a workaround, not a fix... But I hope you can get your hands on the mod... I know about that other Glitch on this quest but I'm on a different one lol, could you believe, there are 2 game breaking glitches on this same quest as far as im aware, I havent met Azo yet and I'd LOVE to meet the guy
Unforunately, Nexus do not allow account creation for those who use Tor (and presumably other online privacy tools). Now that is their perogative, but it does confirm the post title as correct - mods on Nexus not being freely available. And their method of pushing premium accounts is really just as sleazy (though not illegal) as the behaviour of some "free" download sites. Not Obsidian's fault, but a plea for any modmakers out there - please provide mirrors using sites that don't require accounts. Also some of the BG2 modding forums should be willing to provide hosting. Yeah you do have a great point and on top of that, wtf? is it really so hard for Obsidian to just create the IE mod themselves and then just give it to the consumer and say you can use this tool or not its up to you wether you want to use it or not, why do I have to go through Nexus and go through all the hassle of registration to obtain this is my quesion?? and weirdly enough, im now getting denied acess to the file because, the account I just registered with Nexus isnt working?? Ummm, again, the IE Mod is a mod. Do you expect Obsidian to recreate every single mod that anyone dreams up just because someone wants them to? A mod is an optional modification to the game created by fans. Now, I don't know about the bug you're experiencing, sorry about that, but I'm sure that if it's actually an unfixed bug then Obsidian is working to fix it as soon as possible. As soon as they've fixed it, it will be in an official patch, which will have nothing to do with the IE Mod. I get that you're upset about a bug, that's reasonable, and I'm not sure how exactly the IE Mod fixes the bug, but regardless of that Obsidian is undoubtedly working on officially fixing it as quickly as possible. Attempting to take the workaround or fix from the IE Mod and implement it would almost certainly take just as long as (if not longer than) whatever way of fixing it they're currently working on. Listen mate, I have no idea about how mods work or how to create them,I'm just a casual gamer, I was refered to use console comands as a workaround to the problem as stated as above. As far as I'm aware you first have to activate the comands by using the "IRoll20's" then your enabled to use certain comands but the other comands like the main one I want to use which apparently forces the quest to complete is locked unless you have the IE Mod. If you have possibly a solution or anything positive to say, let me know dude, id love to hear it.
Unforunately, Nexus do not allow account creation for those who use Tor (and presumably other online privacy tools). Now that is their perogative, but it does confirm the post title as correct - mods on Nexus not being freely available. And their method of pushing premium accounts is really just as sleazy (though not illegal) as the behaviour of some "free" download sites. Not Obsidian's fault, but a plea for any modmakers out there - please provide mirrors using sites that don't require accounts. Also some of the BG2 modding forums should be willing to provide hosting. Yeah you do have a great point and on top of that, wtf? is it really so hard for Obsidian to just create the IE mod themselves and then just give it to the consumer and say you can use this tool or not its up to you wether you want to use it or not, why do I have to go through Nexus and go through all the hassle of registration to obtain this is my quesion?? and weirdly enough, im now getting denied acess to the file because, the account I just registered with Nexus isnt working?? What are you talking about??? First, a nexus account is FREE and you do NOT need a premium account to download anything... I've been on the nexus for years already and, except for some site glitches (happens on EVERY site, someday or another) I had no major problems with the Nexus... For two, this is a mod... You can MOD it, if YOU like... Obsidian made a game, and it's the way they wanted it to be... Some people (myself included mind you) do not like, one thing or another, so, someone created a mod for it... Making it official would require a lot more QA testing (and I'm sure they have their hands full already) and it would no longer be a mod but "options"! But it's still a mod! And such things aren't officially supported! Live with it, I guess... P.S. If you want it to be free for all... Why not download it yourself and share it over a web page or something? Yes and I just simply pointed out that I've registered with Nexus and after all the hassle of just trying to get my hands on this file, ive been given a run around through techical faults on the behalf of Nexus. Could you possibly, or is there anyone out there who could provide me with this elusive IE mod file?
Unforunately, Nexus do not allow account creation for those who use Tor (and presumably other online privacy tools). Now that is their perogative, but it does confirm the post title as correct - mods on Nexus not being freely available. And their method of pushing premium accounts is really just as sleazy (though not illegal) as the behaviour of some "free" download sites. Not Obsidian's fault, but a plea for any modmakers out there - please provide mirrors using sites that don't require accounts. Also some of the BG2 modding forums should be willing to provide hosting. Yeah you do have a great point and on top of that, wtf? is it really so hard for Obsidian to just create the IE mod themselves and then just give it to the consumer and say you can use this tool or not its up to you wether you want to use it or not, why do I have to go through Nexus and go through all the hassle of registration to obtain this is my quesion?? and weirdly enough, im now getting denied acess to the file because, the account I just registered with Nexus isnt working??
P.S. shame on me for not making more regular backups but but I just wanna know if there's a mod or setting i could use to automatically make backup saves during every in game weeks progress?
Apart from a game breaking Glitch (The Man Who Waits) Pillars of Eternity everything I expected it to be and more!, hats of to ya. It would be good to know if this Glitch is going to be adressed in the next patch? I do want to progress in the game without having to revert back to a backup save 3 months ago. Cheers, keep up the great work guys!
I think worst thing I've come across so far was the fact that you have to subscribe to nexus for over 50bucks just to be able to download the IE modding tool! I need it to fix a game breaking bug. Has anyone else had this same frustration?
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