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About vampirecoffee

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  1. When I was looking at the shop inventory for the Craft Hall, I noticed a few items that had mismatched icons and names. The tooltip for the item matched the icon (so if the icon was a pistol, but the item name was "Fine Club", the tooltip was the tooltip for a pistol). This didn't happen when I reloaded a save, so I'm not sure my save file would help. Screenshot: http://vampirecoffee.net/POE/mislabeled-craft-hall.jpg I suppose you could use an arquebus as a flail, but I'm not sure it would be very successful.
  2. Sometimes when I leave battle, Kana Rua's chants will be disabled, and I'll have to re-enable them before the next battle if I want him to start chanting at the start of combat. This doesn't happen every battle, but it does seem to happen at the bare minimum every time I leave zones. I didn't see this happen until I installed patch 1.0.4. Here's a save with this bug: http://vampirecoffee.net/POE/kana-rua-disable-chants.savegame
  3. Is a fix for this included in patch 1.0.4? Thanks!
  4. Having the same problem in Hadret House. I closed the door and talked to Lady Webb, and now I'm stuck behind the door. Save: http://vampirecoffee.net/POE/dd1a566691a3406e97843239d1292d8a%2012898203%20HadretHouse.savegame
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