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About tonberrian

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  1. Someone needs to do testing to figure out how focus is generated, because I can't for the life of me figure it out. I want to say it has a base, which is then modified by the net damage modifier, but that's just guessing.
  2. Not what I've asked for .. Why not? It's an attack verses deflection. It can score hits, crits, and grazes. The only things that don't apply to it are weapon specific, like weapon quality.
  3. Is there a reload delay? Or is there just an attack delay and a recovery delay?
  4. Instead of making separate chart you could make separate sheet on our chart and use our data One, I'm not sure how to algorithm weapon set comparisons other than how I've built them on my sheet, so I'd still have to build like 8-10 more sheets on your sheet to get all the comparisons going, and I'd end up duplicating some data (and I'd want to tease apart some of your modifiers). It's easier to start from scratch than worry if I'm going to break something. Two, I actually am using your frame data, or at least I have it listed. I'm waiting on an explanation of what delay frames are where before I use it in calculations, though.
  5. My damage calculator is marginally useful now! I haven't yet implemented attack speed, but you should be able to compare weapons in the same speed tiers fairly easily.
  6. Can I get a summary of what dexterity effects (and how much), what delay frames are where and how many, and frame lengths of attack animation, recovery, and reload rates as you currently understand them? It's all over the thread, and I'd like it to be in one place. My spreadsheet should be finished sometime in the next 24 hours, once I get all the attack speed stuff sorted out and get all my weapon set comparisons finished.
  7. A full blown program written in java or whatever with a gui would be best. Probably, but I've never been good at GUIs myself. I can make a very pretty spreadsheet, though.
  8. I've been lurking in this thread, and I thought that the current sheet wasn't doing enough to make comparisons between equipment sets easy. So I'm working on a different one. It's not finished yet, which is why it's not open to modify. Any thoughts on format? Other variables I should add in?
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