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Posts posted by invizo

  1. During the conclusion of "The Hermit of Hadret House" when you are getting prepared to actually attend the hearing at the palace; I noticed Lady Webb's voice-overs did not begin at the beginning of the dialogue like it did in previous patches.  Someone should take a look, it's easy to spot.

  2. I am sorry everyone, I didn't mean to start a PC spec bashing thread.  I am not saying the game won't run with AMD or on older machines guys, I am not making a broad-sweeping statement.  I simply provided a checklist of items that can all add up to or contribute in some way to his problem.  Someone who has an intel/nvidia rig like the one I posted is going to see higher reliability across the board simply because games are designed on the highest-end machines.

  3. I have done everything I can to get my GOG download of PoE to work.  The game just will not start.  This has become too frustrating for words.  I have already posted on this site with all of the requested documentation, but have had no responses.


    The problem is as follows:  I get to the start up screen, I try to press New Game, I am taken to a screen that tells me there are no saved games.  I am given no other options.  Period.  The End.  I do have a saved games folder installed, but there are no saved games in it; as I have never played the game.


    I have not downloaded the 1.03 patch yet; but don't see much point since the original game is not even working. 


    What I really would like to know is this.  This version of the game is my Silver Backer version that I downloaded from GOG.  Is it possible to somehow send it back and try to get the Steam version?


    Please will someone from Obsidian answer me?


    If you do not have a 64bit OS like Win7 and Win8 that is part of your problem.

    If you took shortcuts when building or buying your PC and purchased AMD or are using 4 generation old hardware this is part of your problem.

    You didn't pick the BEST digital content provider, this is part of your problem too.


    See the lack of sympathy?  Crashes are your issue and your own fault, the PC race is vast and one should always make an effort to game on the same hardware the game was built on:


    i7 4xxx or 5xxx series

    nvidia 7xx - 9xx series

    8+gb RAM

    Solid State Hard Drives


    The above system is the NORM, get with it or expect crashes; plain and simple.

  4. Here's the deal... I'm trying to play with the included NPCs so I can get their story. The wizard Aloth pulls threat from anything that can teleport with his mere existence. I'm currently fighting the shadows of various places and two facts seem apparent to me:


    Wizards are targeted primary by teleporters.

    75% of my resting is to restore wizard health, not tanks or anything else.


    I've tried letting Aloth set idle for half the fight and he still gets targeted and beat down while doing absolutely nothing at all. Yes, I said he is sitting IDLE and pulling threat and thus I am STILL resting to regain his health instead of my tanks.


    Whoever is working on threat mods please fix because I am just done playing till this is fixed. I cannot stand this kind of screwball threat in RPGs, it's immersion breaking for me. I can't imagine what's going though the mind of whoever is responsible.

    If you had Aloth use his Fire spells this would be a non-issue.  Those enemies are incredibly weak to Fire, if anything the AI was too smart and took down their biggest threat first.

  5. You want the minimum amount of characters in melee combat because of the difficulty and amount of incoming damage.  Your chanter and Fighter are already going to be taking crazy amounts until they level up.  Honestly, I would switch things around a bit.


    2 Fighter tanks in front.  Chanter switched to gun chanter for the chant that gives faster reload and attacks.  That way it'll give your ranged DPS more attacks and the cipher more focus which in turn = more spells.  Arbalest or Gun Cipher.  Arbalest or Gun Priest, you can make good use of the buff/debuffs but also the wards they can place on the ground which are long range AOE trap equivalents.  You can also place them in combat on top of your fighters.  Very high damage and interesting effects.  I'll leave the last slot open but there's options here...  Paladin for the aura that gives +accuracy, +crit and various support stuff including a per encounter REZ.  Paladin is a kill steal class, it's designed to last hit opponents and give massive benefits from doing so.  Mainly, high amounts of Endurance in an area of effect around them to all allies.  Or you could go for a rogue, sneak attack pumping out damage as well as a character which can get a high mechanic skill easily which will provide you with detection/recovery of traps.  Make it a ranged rogue to gain the benefits of the chanter.  


    Here's some guides:




    The guy knows what he's talking about.

    Wow, thank you for giving me all the information I need at my fingertips.  I spent hours today researching and creating my party build spreadsheet.


    Some updates:



    Fighter -Duh spec lol (slightly nerfed con for better damage mitigation)

    Barbarian - Dual Wield Sabre, Medium Armor, Maximum Carnage AOE (high int, might, dex)

    Chanter - Tank/Summon spec - 1H & Shield, Heavy Armor (high res, per - balanced stats)



    Priest - Lightest Armor possible with DR, Arquebus (Auto-cast is off) (high int, dex, might) - buffer and ranged dps

    Cipher - Fast Atk Spd Bow (looking into a gun possibly, blunderbuss for the 8 hits?), Lightest Armor with DR (max might and dex)

    Wizard - CC oriented build, details still being planned.


    -I have seen many DW Barbarian builds with sabres before the buff last patch I really want to try this build


    Let me know if this makeup is more viable or if you have tips.


    Thanks for the input everyone!




    I hit Act 3 and have been loving the story but have recently decided to re-roll for a greater challenge and all custom-party.


    For my party makeup I was thinking:






    Melee DPS:




    Ranged DPS:




    Is this setup viable or should I slot a Wizard in somewhere?


    I know how to build all of these classes with the exception to Ciphers and Rogues, I have seen many builds for these characters but never found the ones best for POTD.


    For Cipher I am hearing light armor and arquebus gun dps is the way to go, I need stat recommendations.


    For Rogue I was thinking Medium or Light Armor with dual maces to complement the dual sabres on my barbarian. Max Might and Dex, what else?




    One idea I have been toying with is removing my Fighter, adding a Wizard, and then having one of my other Melee characters slightly tanky.


    Any tips would be appreciated!

    Melee DPS characters suck pretty bad on PotD, they are inherently flawed for this difficulty. Essentially, if you move your barbarian or rogue out of place ONCE they are going to get fried.


    Barbarian can handle the heat but I am thinking of swapping rogue for wizard to solve this.

  7. Hello,


    I hit Act 3 and have been loving the story but have recently decided to re-roll for a greater challenge and all custom-party.


    For my party makeup I was thinking:






    Melee DPS:




    Ranged DPS:




    Is this setup viable or should I slot a Wizard in somewhere?


    I know how to build all of these classes with the exception to Ciphers and Rogues, I have seen many builds for these characters but never found the ones best for POTD.


    For Cipher I am hearing light armor and arquebus gun dps is the way to go, I need stat recommendations.


    For Rogue I was thinking Medium or Light Armor with dual maces to complement the dual sabres on my barbarian. Max Might and Dex, what else?




    One idea I have been toying with is removing my Fighter, adding a Wizard, and then having one of my other Melee characters slightly tanky.


    Any tips would be appreciated!

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