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Posts posted by Upsetone

  1. [No, I downloaded the one from the "update" tab on the launcher, but that's it.


    I'm praying that they're working on fixing the game via. patches so that it'll eventually be playable or maybe helping find a way to step-by-step to get through Nar Shadaa, cause I'm assuming I'm not the only one that this has happened to.


    Thanks again,

  2. None of those things helped at all, tried to search and only got an extremely complicated "Red Eclipse bug" search result.


    Also the second one is for X-box bugs, not PC bugs.


    I played the game through without a single problem on my friends X-box, which is why it's frustrating to be "stuck" on the PC version having it bug out on me twice in a row now where the game seems to be unprogressible.


    Thank you all nonetheless for trying to help, I feel like I wasted $50 though.

  3. I borrowed my friends X-box and beat it on LS (without a single problem or bug),


    Really enjoyed the game and had already beat the first one on my PC so I bought the second on my PC.


    Thank you very much for your suggestions, but I still feel it's ridiculous to have to go to such great lengths to try and play a game. I mean The X-Box version might have been rushed, but I fail to see how the PC version could have been rushed because it was released after the X-box version of the game.


    Also I posted on the obsidian technical support forum for obvious reasons... well at least I thought they were obvious.


    I just hope they fix the damn game or their reputation will be tarnished whether Lucas Arts forced them to rush the game or not. No matter how good the meat of the game is, it's not fun to play with all these bugs.


    In closing I did save it right as soon as I got off my ship on Nar shadaa... so even though I did that I'm still hooped? Or is there a certain order I can do events in to not get the bug?

  4. Greetings,


    I'm pretty disappointed to say the least. To spend my money on an unfinished game. I went through my frist run of the game making the mistake of saving after initiating a bug on Telos when Atton and Keira don't go to their force cages and started again.


    Now I got past Telos, did Dantooine just fine and have progressed to Nar Shadaa. I had the foresight this time to always have a save spot at the start of a planet so I don't have to restart my game.


    I've encountered yet another bug where I cannot seem to progress in the game past the point where I retook my ship from the Red Eclipse. I can't go back in my ship and I don't get any message from to see Visquas like I did on the X-Box version.


    Is this bug like the one on Telos where you have to do things in a certain order to not initiate it? I'm not technical enough to understand the solution that the other poster gave regarding this bug. I was hoping that there might be a way to bypass it somehow.


    Thanks if anyone has a way to alieviate my suffering, as I like the game a lot. These bugs are just too annoying though.



    Shame on you obsidian for releasing a game with so many bugs in it.

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