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About xiaodown

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  1. Just wondering, the seemingly expected behavior is to move your mouse to the edge of the screen to scroll your view - as in many, if not most, isometric RPGs and RTSs. But in the days of multiple monitors, this is ... wonky. I can scroll up, right, and down, and I can move my mouse left until it goes to my other monitor, where I can change the song playing in my mp3 player, or respond to an instant message, or check gmail. But scrolling the screen viewpoint left requires a keypress, as far as I can tell, and I can only assume this is the case for any multiple monitor setup in the direction of the extra monitor. The easiest workaround is obviously to reach around and unplug the monitor for the duration of the game playtime, but this makes my desktop all weird and seems silly. Is there a setting or some way to make this work better? To "capture" the mouse inside of the one monitor so that I can scroll in any direction? What's the general way to deal with this. I assume others have solved it, and I am not a smart man, so I would love to hear any available wisdom on the topic. Thanks! I have attempted to attach a picture of a unicorn to this post, in the hopes that it would help, but I have been unsuccessful.
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