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Posts posted by Gilrael


    Some people just hate to leave xp go to waste and love to level up.


    Why do you want to convince them that they actually don't like it and everything is great this way? It is not, the game with the low level cap doesn't give a full experience to those that like to explore and finish everything and get rewarded for it.


    See the whole point is having no level cap would satisfy both parties - you could go and get your items and stay level 12 and those that like levelling up would get to 15 or 16 or whatever the amount of xp is available in the game. Their fun wouldn't affect you the least bit. However with the artificial level cap one party is flat out shafted of their fun. It serves only one side and deprives the other.


    It's not good this way, you can argue about it but you are wrong.


    It also is highly unprofessional. I mean you just go and sum up all the xp available in the game. Then you artificially cap it lower because? well, why exactly? The only logical reason that comes to my mind is because you are lazy to add in content for the classes for those levels.


    I fully agree with you. I am a player that loves to do every quest and doesn't care if I am a few levels higher that the end boss.


    The other way I can imagine that made them implement a level cap is that once they gave the end boss to a certain level, they didn't want to "force" players to do all the quests to reach a minimum level at which they can "beat the boss", enabling lazy players, who do only half the content of the game (the main story), to still beat him while on the phone eating a pizza.


    For me this is absurd. Why would you buy a good game and do only half the content?


    So Dev should make Boss fight aligned with someone who completed 90% of the game. Not 75% or whatever as it is now, with no level cap so completing the game rewards you with a easier end game. Or, you could enable an option in the setting that auto aligned the end boss with your level.


    I reached level cap when arriving at twin elms by the way. I havn't finished story yet, but I guess (well I hope) I still have some play time before me.




    Didn't they say they planned to make this into a series? The level cap makes sense in that case, as otherwise you'd be overleveled for the next installment (nevermind not having a chance to pick from the new higher level spells). Also, for those of us who've been here and done that, all the old games had xp caps as well.


    Why does a level cap make sense when there is a finite amount of exp in the game? Compared to other games there is no way to powerlevel your characters as you only get exp from quests and a small bit from skills/monsters


    Actually, power-leveling is quite easy.  My party is level 10 and  I haven't even gotten to chapter 2 yet, (I can, but I'm finishing up all the side quests first, which is... yet more xp). 


    But combat isn't exactly...challenging.  I hit the cipher 'win' button for my first character, got bored and started over.  Most enemies can't even touch my tanks and only the cheaty spirit buggers get past them.  



    Most of the game is eay. Then you get to the adra dragon.


    Tha Adra Dragon is a sissy (with a full party). Just buy 2 paralysis scrolls from the vendor 2 levels above. The fight last less than 60 seconds real time. The wave of adds are included in the range of the second scrolls when you recast the spell.

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