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Posts posted by dylanier

  1. yes i started a new char and am t3-m4 and my friend did the last char up to bay for me. on my new one im walking through tunnels and arriving in fuel lines i auto die somehow do u know where i go or what i do so i dont die when they shoot me

  2. Im on first planet the one where you wake up i think its Pelagus but im not sure. what do i have to do to get off that planet? I got to the hangar got in the ebon hawk and i auto got in the turret the turret. i killed all the sith attackers and my guy never got out of the turret it just stood there did any1 else have this problem does any1 know how to fix it?


    Hm, try reloading your last save. Are you playing on PC or X-Box?



    Im playing on PC and ive tried to reload it a couple of times but sadly it did nothing

  3. Im on first planet the one where you wake up i think its Pelagus but im not sure. what do i have to do to get off that planet? I got to the hangar got in the ebon hawk and i auto got in the turret the turret. i killed all the sith attackers and my guy never got out of the turret it just stood there did any1 else have this problem does any1 know how to fix it?

  4. Hi. I've beaten Kotor 1 3 times in the past 2 days.

    we all know that after doing that for so long u get bored. So here are my q's.


    Is KOTOR 2 something you reccomend getting?

    Is it better then Kotor 1?

    What Planets Can you go to?

    Whats the stortyline like?

    In Kotor you foung yourself looking for the star forge what are you looking for in KOTOR 2




    Thx for any help u can give i really appreciate it.

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