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Everything posted by Slowtapus

  1. Being able to edit posts would be great. Played some more. This happened to melee enemies as well. However it did not happen in boss fights. I'm unsure whether the enemy just stood and waited because it couldn't leave combat or actually did as it should though.
  2. Both Domination and Charm, when used on an opponent, frequently simply cause the opponent to walk away and leave battle unless they are in melee of one of your enemies. When they leave battle their status effects are cleared, they become uncharmed/dominated, and proceed to attack you again. This renders charms/dominations almost useless. As they last at most 2 seconds. I can do more thorough testing to make sure exactly what this behaviour happens under. Some background is that I have 2 ciphers in my party and regularly prefer to charm/dominate the higher damage, ranged, enemies. Yet they simply reset and rejoin the fight instead.
  3. So far my biggest issue has been with the traps. Not because I can't play without it or etc. etc. but it's horribly immersion breaking. I place a trap down and then the other one just... disappears? Is there some sort of cosmic trap magic? An anti-trap god? I can respect that you don't want people to focus their fights on traps and in doing so basically make a trapper character or allow traps to make the game easy. But the way it works now feels so arbitrary and immersion breaking. Indeed it feels like it runs so contrary to how the game plays otherwise. At first I couldn't believe it and had to google it. I stopped playing. Now I'm not blindly complaining. I intend this as constructive criticism and such I will offer a way I feel it could be done better. Hopefully it at least helps get people thinking and maybe how this is 'solved', if at all, will be some entirely different way. Make all traps neutral. You placed a trap? You can only see it when sneaking and it will trigger on you too. It's just another trap. There's no reason my characters should be immune to traps they place. This limits how easy you can make a fight with traps because you still have to get people to walk in to them. Without triggering them yourself. I also agree with the everyone dropping 'scouting' once combat is started. This isn't a big deal but it would indeed be nice. Especially for anyone wanting to play a stealth focused character. Again I can see why you wouldn't want to... alleviate the challenge. But I've always felt one of the most satisfying things, especially in RPG's, is managing to do the unexpected. Which stealth helps enable that.
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