Never mind, I seem to have solved my own issue. It was simply a matter of MSI Afterburner and RivaTunerStatisticsServer messing around. Had to exit each application in order to enter. Old graphic cards are iffy...
I'm experiencing crashes to desktop while trying to enter the main building in Caed Nua (the one of stone).
This seems to happen every single time.
None of the fixes either seemed relevant or worked.
I'm using the GOG version and I've tried re-installing twice now. Couldn't find neither the setup for .NET or vcredist. Can someone please take a look at my crashlog for me and tell me what the problem might be. I'm sorry if I missed anything in the log that should have made it obvious. Thanks in advance!
Specs. Windows 8.1 64bit Intel i5-2500K 8GB RAM Nvidia GTX 580