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About bobditlane

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  1. Let's say it's ok this way , at least when you became very hight in reputation with the knight it should overcome this . it does not
  2. there is already a topic on it . I think you can delete it:)
  3. I'm exactly on the same position , I wanted to side with knight and i'm stuck with the dozen because i just accepted their quest . Their is such a nonsense there : First quest : Faction presentation : Ok Second quest : Choose your faction : Ok but when you FINISH it not whend you choose it ... should be how you completed it... I have like 15 houres of play if i want to go back to a save where i can choose the knight... The dozens quest is like : Hey welcome i m gonna show you the city and THEN your 're going to be able to choose your faction .... I'm so sad my Paladin doesnt want to side with ugly merceneraires or corrupted and decadent nobles ... my knight want some knight friends
  4. hello everyone ! Here is the situation: - I met i guess the 2 major faction of the main city ( The smithing knight and the Dozens) took their first quest and did them .( i was ok i did the presentation and now i have to choose ) . I was heading to get the other quest , went to the dozens and took it .Then i went to the knight but there the commander told me that i was too friendly with the dozens . I mean i'm very pleased with the reputation system but this should happend after the second quest of each faction and how u solved them . There is no logical explantion og being stuck with the dozens because i did the " presentation " of each side . So is it normal ? can i fix it up ? ( i wont take an older savegame because i did SO many things between) i m actually kina Honored with the kngiht but no Commander wont give me a task... I'm planning to go for the dozens quest to see if i can mess it up or betray them for the knight . Hope it ll fix things . I read somewhere on this forum that people who killed dozens to get low rep did not fix the problem . Sorry for english i'm not native . I hope someone knows a bit more about it.
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