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About itsame

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  1. I have tried with console but there appears to be no command that can edit these values. there are commands for skills and main stats but not for the ones like fortitude or will. I would gladly edit the stats by hand and continue playing while keeping an eye on that bug. does anyone know a way how to do that? can this be done by modding?
  2. It looked to me as if the fix in the pinned article is only for windows7 - is that correct? what worked for me on windows xp was this switch: http://www.maxi-pedia.com/3GB+switch+Windows+boot.ini+3+GB
  3. I have had the problem with the transition crashes as well, especially for Guilded Vale. I am running Windows XP SP3 with 4gb RAM And I managed to fix this issue for me by using this switch: http://www.maxi-pedia.com/3GB+switch+Windows+boot.ini+3+GB The problem with crashing has disappeared completly since then. But it requires some effort and knowledge, and please be cautious when modifying parameters that are critical to your OS.
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