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Everything posted by OrangeDeath

  1. I should have also added: Save Often - F5 is your friend.
  2. Like you, I'm wiping a lot, but I have learned a few things along the way. Use Scout mode - this will allow you to get to monsters/enemies quickly and get a few hits off before they notice you. Formations matter - put your weaker characters in the middle of others, your mage can do a lot of damage if they are alive. Use Spells, - they are there to help, don't just charge in and auto attack, use your spells. Rest and heal a lot, use the common rooms in Inns, your Keep etc. Get a well balanced Party, I too started a Ranger, grabbed the mage at the first town, then pre-made the rest of my group, a fighter, a rogue, a bard and a Cleric. Target enemies 1 at a time, and make your whole party go after them, target casters and archers first, then everyone else. I hope the above helps.
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