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Posts posted by neovatar

  1. A workaround is to set you locale environment to "C" before starting the game (e.g. start.sh on GOG version or a wrapper script). See my post http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/72546-bug-reputation-level-gilded-vale/?p=1607066


    This will not fix your savegame, once the prices are corrupted, but will prevent the bug from surfacing in other places of the game (basically every quest that gives you a discount).

  2. Ok, I debugged this issue. It is a locale issue. I am using "de_DE.UTF-8" so "," is used for decimal digits and "." is used as thousand seperator. If a Obsidian tester wants to reproduce this issue, use Linux and set your locale to "de_DE.UTF-8", then do the "Late for Dinner" quest.


    If you do the quest with this locale, prices are multiplied with "85" instead of "0.85", because of the wrong seperator. Changing the locale will not fix the prices afterwards, since they seem to be stored in a persistent way and are not recalculated. But it will probably fix the error from corrupting prices via reputation later in the game.


    The workaround is to set your locale to "C" in start.sh:

    export LC_ALL="C"
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  3.  I have the same issue, also Linux version v1.0.2.0508. I did rescue the cook before entering Gilded Vale. With another character, that did not rescue the cook the prices are much lower.  E.g.: WIth my bugged character, the price for one camping supply now is 6250cp. It seems the reputation multiplier is calculated faulty. With every reputation gain in Gilded Vale, prices increase.


    I am not allowed to upload savegames to the forum ("Error You aren't permitted to upload this kind of file") so I am linking it for you to download:





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