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About Nomada_Firefly

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. thanks, but what a disappointing final
  2. hi i've ended the game as a jedi and the only thing i see is the eban hawk escaping from Malachor V to the space. Isn't another final??? It doesnt matter what you say to Kreia at the end uh?
  3. strange, i reinstalled the game (conserving save files) and it worked! Thanks
  4. there aren't lagging problems, is simply that the game crashes after that video :S
  5. yep, i didn't thought about it, but you're right. Now i delete it. But you know how to solution my problem?
  6. sorry, but i don't understand you. What are you trying to say????
  7. Hi I have this game because i played the first one and i loved it. All was correct till i arrived at Dantooine. First of all came the graphic problems, which made a lot of lag. I had the same problem with the first game so i put the correct file in the correct place (if someone wants the file tell me in this topic). Then, when you help the people of Dantooine to defend against the mercenaries, a video shows the battle's progress. The problem cames when the video finishes. The screen turns black and the game doesn't respond at any order. If you know why this happens please tell me, I'll be gratefull PD: sorry for my english, i'm spanish
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