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Darth Abbadon

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About Darth Abbadon

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  • Location
    The Abhorrent
  • Interests
    Long walks on the beach and Force-choking b*tches.
  1. So, if I want them to be my alignment(DS)and train them as Jedi, I have to, what? Start out light, because the majority of them are LS'ers to start off? Then go dark after Atton/Bao/Handmaiden are Jeedai?
  2. I'm quite confused, I've played through the game for the second time now and I thought I was doing quite well with my influencing of companions, often gaining LS points, although I'm a DS Jedi. Well, I've just come to the point of no return, going to Dantooine to confront Kreia. However, I have yet to even have the option of training any of my party members as Jedi. Mostly, I was focused on Bao-Dur who has not spoken to me since his trip to Dxun. I ask him why he's unsettled and he just goes, "I dun' wanna' talk about it." And I can't do anything with him. I'm very upset. I have to admit to even using Prima's Guide for conversation pointers, because I wanted very much to teach my companions. What am I doing wrong? Also, is it possible to get extremely low influence with a member and, thereby, get the option to train them? Or do you have to gain influence with them?
  3. Heh. So, my question regarding Bastila = Kreia turned into, first, a battle of opinions regarding Bastilla's hotness, then regarding her roundness as a character, and finally, those who will inherit the world. Fascinating.
  4. Yes, I finished it some time ago, but really rushed through it. I've recently started replaying it, though I don't enjoy it nearly as much as the first, atleast not until much, much later in the game(exampli gratia: right when the Civil war on Dxun/Onderon takes place). But, yeah, I don't remember much of what was said, except for the very end when all I remember Kreia saying was that she followed Revan and Revan and her used to travel together and she taught Revan at some point. All that she says leads me to believe she's Bastila, simply "aged" by use of the Dark Side.
  5. I was, in some ways, led to believe(via playing the game and apparently not comprehending much of what was being said)that Kreia was an older version of Bastila. Er..am I totally and completely wrong? o0; [edit] Er, not necessarily "older" even, just affected by the Dark Side.
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