I'm glad Stryker and I will get to play together at launch, which is what we intended when backing the game. To try to clarify for those who are confused. Originally some tiers only came with a Boxed collectors edition, some came with one boxed, and one digital code. The reason a lot of people bought a tier with both a boxed version of the game, and a digital code for the game, was because they had people go in together on the kickstarter who wanted to both play the game, the example being my boyfriend and I. We also originally thought there would be multiplayer of course, but we share an office for our digital work stations and game stations, so we're still playing "together" so to speak. Sometime awhile back, update 89/90? they announced the box editions would arrive a little late, and offered to give those people a digital copy on release so they could play the game still. So every tier that DIDN'T include a digital copy, now had one. However, those tiers that did come with a digital copy, because they meant to play with themselves and another person, did not get the same benefit, so someone in those groups were losing out because this only assisted the people who didn't originally order a digital copy of the game. So, yes, stryker complained that it wasn't fair that those who had the mind to order an edition that came with essentially 2 copies of the game would have to wait to play together were being left out of the equation against those who got a digital code for free with their boxed edition even though it's not what they originally backed for. So, I believe what Obsidian did was realize how this could be an issue. So, people who just got the boxed version originally, got box + code. People who got the boxed version and a digital version also only just got box + code. See how this could be unfair?