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Posts posted by Ralkor

  1. That, unforunately, seems to be the case :(  The real tragedy is several specs and animal forms are rather useless in the current state.  Bear form + high con, for example, is great for use as a non standard party tank, but as soon as your 12 seconds are up prepare to get crushed.  Who knows, maybe they'll notice how weak it is in the coming months and decide to change it back to having no duration. 



    It's not a bug. They changed it from lasting the entire encounter to duration awhile ago. People submitted bug reports about the duration not lasting long or showing in the UI. These were acknowledged but obviously nothing was changed before release. 


    Seemingly this is why wildstrike gives such a massive damage boost now.... because it doesn't last very long. 

    Interesting...  Did they give any information on base duration, or if int increases the duration?


    I think it's increased by intellect... but really not sure. 


    Right on.  Did some testing and yeah, it definitely does look like it's increased by int.  I agree with you though, Varg; even at max int, it still seems a bit too short

  3. It's not a bug. They changed it from lasting the entire encounter to duration awhile ago. People submitted bug reports about the duration not lasting long or showing in the UI. These were acknowledged but obviously nothing was changed before release. 


    Seemingly this is why wildstrike gives such a massive damage boost now.... because it doesn't last very long. 

    Interesting...  Did they give any information on base duration, or if int increases the duration?

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