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Don Chewbacca De La Vega

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About Don Chewbacca De La Vega

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  • Location
    Old Ploughs Land - FRANCE
  1. Thanks for your explanations, SteveThaiBinh, I've found a mod which seems to be good. But now I get a little problem : how to install this mod ? The only help at my disposal is the following one : "The first thing you should do is check your SWKOTOR2 directory for an "Override" directory. If you do not have one create it using File-New-Folder in Windows Explorer. There are four different sub folders include in this mod, one for each difficulty setting. Depending on the difficulty level you want copy the file "k_ai_master.ncs" from the appropriate sub folder into your SWKOTOR2/Override directory. As long as this mod is installed it will be active on every save game. It is not necessary to start a new game. If you want to switch difficulty, you have to copy the file "k_ai_master.ncs" from the different sub folder. The new settings will not be in effect until you move to a new area." I don't understand what I really have to do with four FOLDERS (one for each difficulty), each containing one DIRECTORY. Moreover, I get a folder entitled "source scripts". Must I add all this files in the sub folder named "override", which is situated in kotor2's folder ? Do I only need to add all the directories without their folders ? Please HELP !!!! P.S. : my dictionnary doesn't mention the existence of the expression "check something for something". I've never read that before...
  2. What ! You met only one difficulty (I'm not over Peragius)
  3. Don't you find the power of enemies is too low in kotor ? I took a no fighting jedi (very beautiful, 18 in charism and 16 in intelligence), put the difficulty on hard, and there's no problem to kill ALL the enemies !!! I make a point of staying at level 3, I choose the worst weapons, and it's still so easy !!! In kotor 1 it was also easy, but here... there's no limit... Is there a patch to increase difficulty or must I poison my characters ?
  4. I didn't want to play in co-op mode with someone... I just wanted to use two people to finish the game, it's too much long. If the EULA doesn't allow it, it doesn't matter, I'll play by night and the other person 'll play by day. And for the no-cd, thanks for this information, if nobody tell you how it runs you will never be able to understand little jerkings. But I know what's a no-cd. So the only thing I could do is a informatician school. Allright. Goodbye everybody, thanks for your help.
  5. Of course, the game is installed on both PCs, with every discs... But, wait a minute... you're suggesting I could play with another CD, the two or the three, who are not GAME DISCs... I don't think I could do like that, but I always can try. And I don't speak the kotorian fluently... what is the EULA ? A kind of readme ? Something on the website ? Thanks for so many answers in a so short time (time you don't use to play kotor2!!! )
  6. I've bought ONE cd of kotOR and I would like to play on TWO computers at the same time... Is it possible without link between my two computers ? Thanks for reading this post
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