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Everything posted by Albatao

  1. Having read through most pages I had to get involved in the discussion somehow. As a disclaimer, I am 1/ not a backer (sorry) 2/ a huuuuge fan of the Baldur's Gate series, like really huge 3/ not very good at english 4/ impatient for PoE's release. So yeah, I can't help but feel a little, I don't know, disturbed might be too strong of a word, let's say shocked (wait, no) by the attitude of some users regarding the implementation of certain features. I get that you don't support some of them, I'll even go as far as to say I agree with most of the complaints I've read here - I loved romances in BG2 and prebuffing is part of what made BG2's encounters so great IMO (I mean without that what would be the point of scouting ?) - but regardless of what promises were made at the beginning, I feel that a game such as this one should never be regarded as an order from one entity (the backers) to another (the developpers). Yes, PoE's funding campaign revolved mainly around the "IE successor" theme but you gotta let the developpers go with what they think is best. If they think that some aspects of the IE games are flawed or outdated then you should 1/ try to convince them otherwise 2/ if you can't succeed then let them take their shot at improving them. I don't wanna play a game made by creators who felt obligated to blindly follow every of their backers wishes, I'm pretty sure it would feel kind of soulless. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't like this "on demand" way of making a game, IMO all kickstarter should be about is "Ok, I like your vision, take my money and make the best of it" and not "I gave you my money so I feel entitled to a game that matches EXACTLY my every ideas". Forgive me is my message is out of place but to be honest I was really surprised by the nitpicking that is happening in this thread. Believe me I understand, I get where most of the complaints come from. Still, I had already heard about the pressure kickstarter's developpers were exposed to but I had no idea it was so... intense. That being said Obsidian is partly to blame too, when you claim to create a BG successor you better make sure your game contains every feature BG had ! And boy, thank god Dragon Age wasn't born this way, the reactions would have been pretty harsh at the time. Can't wait to play PoE. I tried to keep my expectations to a minimum, I just hope it will be a good experience, and a game I can occasionally come back to.
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