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About Zaniaac

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    Gaming, PC building, books, movies, tv shows
  1. I too am getting a lock up freeze on this task. I suppose they will fix it when Whit March launches?
  2. I guess I'll just have to wait and see when the game gets released to see what all I can do with a chanter. Although its a bit disappointing that there is no "official" necromancer in-game. Its good that they have something similar in nature. From the abilities that I have seen it looks like the chanter could fill the role nicely. Maybe a expansion pack down the line can come up with something.
  3. Awesome. Looking forward to this game even more now.
  4. Having played Baulder's Gate 2 and Icewind Dale Will their be a chance to create a necromancer in my party? Or will this be the role of the chanter? If able, can we create this type of character?
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