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Posts posted by gilless429

  1. I would, if only so that they make a better version of the game. I love many parts of it (storytelling and dialogues especially), the only problem is that it feels like it was rushed out in some aspects. The gameplay, the animations (especially the animations), a lot of it is like an alpha or beta version of the game. Potential's there, it's not all to be thrown out, but it just isn't polished or really finished.

    So yeah, if a 2nd, NOT rushed game could be made, I'd be ALL for it. This is a game with tons of potential and which only truly achieves everything (that I can see) it can in the storytelling, dialogue and such. If ALL of its potential was achieved... This would be my favourite game of all times, because I love the theme so much. As it is, it has to remain a game I like, and play again every once in a while (every year and a half or so) when i'm bored with the latest big thing.

  2. Than you so much LadyCrimson, you have no idea how much you've made my day. And my week or month probably since I'm gonna be playing this again a few times through, having not played the game in a loooong while, and wanting to get back into it. That blur on speed powers hurts my eyes and gives me headaches a lot since it's something I'm very sensitive to nowadays, which wasn't the case when I was younger (getting old...) , and in most games I can just turn off motion blur, but turning off frame buffer effects would have made the quality of the rest of the game's graphics (lightsabers especially) quite worse.


    In short, your post allows me to once again enjoy this great game. Thanks a ton.  :wub:

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