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Rhoni Bhaal

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Everything posted by Rhoni Bhaal

  1. I might have seen the title passing by and didnt think any of it. But i definately didnt see the pictures! How was this broadcast to the world then? I discovered this game in a game magazine included with an interview, its the pictures that caught my attention. First i tought it was a flashback article or something, then i saw the different title I'm really sad about missing the kickstart, because i'm really not living under a rock. Maybe i am narrowing myself to limited resources? I'm practicly only using steam, and its not on there (yet).
  2. Hi, as of this moment i am propably the happiest man on this planet. But how the heck did i not know about this game until now. Baldur's Gate is in my top 3 (along with Deus Ex and Witcher but still can't decide which is #1) so if i had known this earlier i would've totally backed this one up big time. How did i miss this? It's nowhere to be found on steam Anyway i just wanted to say big thank you for making this game, and i'll be pre-ordering the ultimate special collector director premium edition for sure Greetings.
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