Ok well I am going to reinstall the Directx Driver.... and go to its folder and complettely remove it first JUST in case a piece of the old DX stayed behind and is conflicting with the rest of it.... dont know.... still fighting this. I will keep playing with it.... just wish I knew exactly where to go...... or what to do its getting extremely frustrating with this black line everyonce in awhile and places and yes you are right what is it with the DX test ... in full screen mode does the same exact thing there must be a setting that I can go too to change it or what have you.
Alos you say you have about the same vide card.... My video card only offers a 60hz refresh rate nothing else and only 800x600, 900x600, and 1024x768 rez and nothing else..... will keep playing with it.
hey and thanks again for all the help