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Posts posted by Edyn

  1. a. I would like to be able to play as Revan again


    b. Expanding on previous Revan "romancings" (Carth/Bastila)


    c. Maybe even a dual mode where half the game you play as the exile, half as Revan. Personally, I found Revan's character MUCH more interesting.


    d. More actual game events+dialog, not just dialog explaining what happened and what will happen.


    e. Personal weapons and armor upgrades. Completly upgradable weapons and armor specifically for that NPC. (Carth's Blaster, etc.) But let their clothing be upgradable, too. I like leaving my characters in their original clothing as that is their "official" look.



    Overall, what would make me happy, is being able to play as Revan again beginning where Revan left the Old Republic about one year after the destruction of the Star Forge. Expanding/concluding previous romances (Carth/Bastila) and I suppose eventually teaming up with the Exile to thwart the goings-on in the Unknown Regions. Maybe even having both teams (KOTOR1/KOTOR2) meet each other and work together, which should make for interesting dialog and would tie the three games together nicely.)


    Side Note: (KOTOR: The Mandalorion Wars would be really fun on Revan's journey to the DS) Any story revolving around Revan would peak my interest.


    Thanks for listening!




  2. My understanding is those battle cries are issued whenever an NPC scores a critical hit.


    If you give your NPCs keen blades or lightsabers then expect to hear them a lot; if you don't give them critical strike feats and keen blades then expect to hear them not a lot.


    Of course, they will be a lot less use to you in fight, but you can't have everything...  :blink:


    Ah, good to know. Thanks :)

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