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The Sith Lord-- Darth Brodish

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About The Sith Lord-- Darth Brodish

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  1. I am in need of some of thos hard core jedi and sith that go through the files of the game..... I was wondering if anyone has come across the music file from the cut scien kreia's fall?? if you find it 4 me just put it up or email me at\ jbronm9@hotmail.com thank you
  2. i really like to lisen to the music in kotor 2, the cut sciean keria's fall---by the way if any one should come acros the file in mp3 form plezz send it to me. i only have the xbox kotor so i can not get files.
  3. I bleve you may be right and thax for giving me something to think about...
  4. I need help with hk 47 i'v beten the game 4 xbox maybe 3 or 4 times and he is my fav. What i need to know is there a way to find the hk 50's while you have 47 with you??
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