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Everything posted by Harbid

  1. Yeah...progres....I love progress!
  2. I was looking arround in the voice-folder and listened to some interesting voiceovers in the 262-Folder. There seem to be a lot unused voiceovers for the second visit to the Telos-Academy, considering Atris and Kreia (Atris tells Kreia about the Sith-Attack on Telos, and that Kreia was actually the person who made Atris cast the Exile out of the order). There are also V-Os where the Handmaiden seems to have joined Kreia and is about to travel "elsewhere" with her (prob. malachor) and V-Os where the Handmaiden seems to turn against the Exile and is about to attack him because he killed her sisters. There are also some V-Os in the 853-Folder where Tobin tells Nihilus about the location of the jedi-academy on Telos and about the "hundrets of jedi there on which he can feed on". It made it a little clearer why Kreia spared him and he can be found on the ravager. Also, there seem to be VOs for a cutscene where Sion thinks the Exile was killed (also in the 853-Folder) on "the smugglers moon", but later he seems to find out the he/she survided (907-Folder). I felt that especially those Telos-VOs filled several story-wholes, so I was wondering if those scenes are part of your restoration-project. Sorry for my bad english btw. ^^
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