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About Darth_Plagus

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  1. Greetings To get straight to the point: The problem is not the lack of respect towards Revan or any other character in the story. Since the player has to make certain choices throughout the two games (like male/female, light path/dark path, etc) it would be impossible for Obsidian to cover all those choices at the same time. Yet Obsidian tried to do that by creating a basic storyline not only for Revan but for some other characters as well. This storyline due to the forementioned reason was too wide and at times too vague, leaving "holes" in the plot. What I mean is that the "lack of respect" towards characters is not the immediate problem. It comes form the forementioned fact concerning the storyline of the games. They offered a truly wide variety of choices to players but sadly this variety cannot respond to the plot or to the characters themselves. Personally, I think this is the only flaw of the game.
  2. Thanks guys..both of you. You 've been quite helpful to my clearing things out a bit.
  3. Can anyone explain to me what has happened throughout the two KOTOR games? Although I have played both games, I am having trouble to fully comprehend some parts of the plot. The plot in the first game is quite obvious, though the sequel managed to confuse me to the point of madness...So if there is anyone who understood exactly what has happened please tell me so I can understand too....Oh and btw what is the Shadow Generator and in what way has it affected the Exile..? P.S. I believe that the plot is sort of fragmented and has some "holes" because of the creators' intension to cover all possible Revan's choices made by players in KOTOR (e.g. whether Revan returned to destroy the Republic and have his revenge on Malak or save it from Malak.) I can and have made assumptions for most of these holes but they are all too vague. I'd really appreciate your help.
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